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Can you get Secondary bacterial infection on a herpes sore?

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The current outbreak I have is one sore very close to my anus.   Sorry if that's TMI.

It has been a week.  And it doesn't seem to be reducing in size or drying up.   It is in an awful place.  And very painful to go to the  bathroom.  I also have hemorrhoids too So  I have a double whammy going on.     I am doing my best in trying to make my  stool softer and easier  to pass.  I'm  Eating  Prunes and Apple and drinking water.

It's definitely a herpes lesion as I've had prodrome symptoms and my groin lymph swelled and was very painful to touch but that has calmed down. 

I have been keeping it clean.  Sitz bath with Epsom salts three times a day.  I dry it well but I do put an ointment on it.  I have put a preparation H with lidocaine in that area as I was trying to treat the hemorrhoids and get some pain relief too for both that an from the lesion.   I have some lemon balm salve too but that just made it sting and burn more.  

I am taking Lysine supplement and upped it to 4000.  

I am currently in between family  doctors.  changing doctors.  

I see my new primary care doctor on Tuesday next week as a new patient appointment. 

And  if this has not improved  I will have to bring this subject  up to her.  I am always nervous of seeing new doctors but hope she will know about the herpes topic.     I still have my lab results  sheet from two years ago to show I have the hsv2 and I will take that with me to the appointment.  

***So is it possible that a secondary bacterial infection can occur with herpe sores? Could this be my Problem as to why it is taking time to heal up.   Or is it just taking time and a week is too soon to expect it to heal?

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Update.  So no infection.  It's just the way it is.  Takes a while for things to heal.   

I saw my new family doctor,  she's in internal medicine And this was my new patient appointment.   She was very nice.  

 She's prescribed me Valtrex.  And suggested using aquaphor to put on it.  

I do think the Lysine was helping too but I think needed the medication.  

I'm definitely going to keep away from chocolate and other trigger foods.   I had chocolate prior to the break out and have been stressed lately too.  

Thanks for listening.  


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Thanks for the update! This will be helpful for others to hear currently going through something similar. Is this your first herpes outbreak? It does tend to take around a year before our bodies develop enough immunity (antibodies) to suppress future outbreaks to lessen them in severity and frequency. And I’m glad you got on meds. That will definitely help you in this interim period. On average meds will suppress the virus around 50-80%. Hang in there! 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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