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Diagnosed Jan 22 and the pain in my right leg persist

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This is very discouraging.  Is it common for the pain to continue long after the outbreak has resolved.  I am an active bicyclist and I ride almost every day at a competitive level.  I took about 4 weeks off and just started riding again on my trainer but my leg seems to hurt all the time.  It is down my right hamstring (same dermatome as the outbreak)  and I assume it is nerve pain.   Stretching does not seem to improve it and neither does heat.  Haven't tried ice. 

Is there anything I can do to help with the pain?   Is this common and when does it subside?  Will the activity of cycling cause it to hurt or does it just hurt b/c it hurts.  I don't know.  I am very discouraged.  Any input would be appreciated. 


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Hey there.   I had the same issue with the leg pain.   I'm a runner so I can sympathize with how you're feeling.  It took about a month for the leg pain to go away for me and feel somewhat normal again,  physically at least.  I did take some ibuprofen and that seemed to help it a little bit.   I would take it about an hour before either running or working out and it helped on some days.   And for me that was the last symptom to go away too.  Hang in there.   I know it's frustrating.   I was just diagnosed in early January so this is all new to me too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was diagnosed on Feb 6th. I had horrible pain in my right leg and foot. Some days is was hard to walk. I am a weightlifter/cyclist/runner. I am very active. It took all the energy I had to just do a 15 min workout and some days I could've even muster that. Nothing I did really helped with my pain. I just had to deal with it. Sucked. Last week I finally was feeling better so I went and did a 30 min treadmill interval just to see how it felt. Not bad at all. Now my biggest issue is the constant ass cheek itching. Like all the time. I am told it should subside once my body adjust and to give it time but damn is it hard. I hope your leg pain is subsiding and you are able to start getting back to doing what you enjoy. I feel this virus takes so much away that we should be at least able to have something we enjoy!

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Hey there,  I had the same issue and I'm a runner too so I get it and know how you feel but I can tell you that it gets better and eventually should go away.   It took about a full month for me to somewhat feel normal again and get back to doing the things I was used to.   Hang in there.   Take some ibuprofen if you need to,  it'll help. 

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Baihaigirl2004.   I was diagnosed on Jan 20th. I am just now about 90% symptom free.   That butt cheek tingling lasted a long time and it would migrate into my scrotum sac and often between the scrotum and anus.  I was able to do a 52 mile gravel bike ride and seemed to have decent power so that was great.  I think its hard for us (athletes) to be patient b/c we want/need to work out.  I do believe your symptoms will resolve but you are just going to have to give it time.  Feel free to direct message me if you need more details of what I have gone through and how I am progressing.  Running girl from New Jersey and I already struck up a friendship and offer each other support.   Sometimes I think it is good just to hear that someone else is getting better.    It gives us all hope!  Best of luck to you.  

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