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Acyclovir not reliable now?

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Hi. I’ve had HSV2 for 6 years and been on Acylovir most of that time. I’ve had breakthrough outbreaks but they are painful/ annoying for a few days usually and get me down but clear up soon enough. I never had to heighten my dose or thought to. Cut to last month an outbreak so severe, new internal sores which has never happened and in other new places, finally upped my dose but not till a week later so took a few weeks and a few higher doses to clear. This month I missed one tablet, one evening (!!!) and had another terrible outbreak but this one there hasn’t been sores just pain/nerve problems and weakness to the point where I couldnt open my eyes or speak I was so weak for a few hours each day for about a week. I went to A and E and they gave me 5 days of Valacyclovir and that has certainly stopped my viral neurological symptoms getting any worse but Im now on suppressive Valacyclovir and I just hope it clears the horrible feelings down below. I recently started high dose long term anti-biotics and two consultants I asked think its nothing to do with it but its suspicious to me.. also wondering about a possible BV and thrush connection with outbreaks as anti b’s have given me those. Things are v off. 

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