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I knew it!!

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I’m 4 months into this. I hate it. My current boyfriend gave it to me. He claimed he has never had a outbreak. Said that no girl had ever accused him of having anything. The doctors called him today and it was confirmed, he’s positive. I can’t tell you y’all how I feel. Apart of me didn’t want this for him but another part of me knew, what I knew, and he needed to know. He’s taking it hard. I don’t know what to do. How can I comfort the man who gave it to me?? But tbh he’s not looking for comfort, he wants to be left alone at the moment. I just had to tell somebody that’s it’s been confirmed, I got this shit from him... I don’t hate him, he didn’t know but I hate this. I think he’s asymptotic (lucky bastard) because I never seen anything on him (I use to be all over that thing lol) but unfortunately for me i breakout every month like clock work, during my period. I’m on antivirals... he chilling I guess. I just needed to vent... thanks for listening 

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Vent away! It sucks ass! I am about 6 weeks into my positive test and am learning to deal with it. I will never accept it but am trying to live with it. My giver feels awful but I don't blame him. He honestly did not know. We are still friends. Although I don't know why because I get so angry sometimes. He too is asymptomatic and has never had a break out. He is now dating someone (we have a FWB thing going although I have been in love with him for a very long time) and she obviously doesn't have an issue with him having it. Good for them. I get angry because I did have a horrible initial breakout. It took 3 weeks just to start feeling normal and could wear normal pants without being so raw I wanted to die. I was glad I worked from home and could wear PJ bottoms all day LOL I have been totally clear of sores for about 2 weeks now and have been able to get back to the gym. He also is dating someone. I'm thinking my life is screwed. Who wants to be serious with someone with herpes? No offense to anyone but I don't think I would. I hate facing the time, if there ever is one, where I have to say - oh before we commit to having sex I have to tell you I have herpes. I'm pissed that this is what my life is going to be like. It is hard enough for a 49 year old woman to find someone let alone now having the stigma of herpes. It sucks. Fortunately I do not have periods - have not in a very long time due to a medical condition and an IUD. I am taking 500 mg of Valtrex a day unless I feel an outbreak then I'm supposed to take 500 mg 2x/day for 3-4 days to help it clear up faster. I have added 1,000 mg of Lysine 2x a day and that I think made a world of difference when I had my initial outbreak. Once I started taking it I didn't get anymore (I had several outbreaks the first few weeks. They just kept coming but I was super stressed). Have you tried Lysine? It is an essential amino acid that seems to do well in people with HSV1 and HSV2. It may help your outbreaks.  If you ever need to vent you can always message me. It is nice to know we are not alone. Hugs!!!!

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I’ve never tried Lysine, do it has to be Prescribed by a doctor? But tbh since I have been on my daily antivirals I haven’t had any outbreaks. I’m so sorry about your situation, and girl I feel the same way. If me and my current boyfriend breakup I don’t even know where I would begin to tell a new guy that “hey before you like me too much, I got herpes” because I’m sure if a guy I was interested in told me that, I would take a step back and reconsider. I prey as I get older (I’m 30) men will be more mature and I’ll be more at ease with disclosing because as of right now, I’m taking this to my grave!... I thank goodness that I have found this forum because here I can talk comfortably with no judgement. Feel free to message me anytime 🤗

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