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Told my Sister

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I told my sister about my HSV status and she didn’t reply. I regret even telling her. She is a judgmental pastor and I believe I got HSV from being a raped months ago. At the same time, I’m like, “Oh well, it is what is.” I don’t think she would put me on blast or tell anyone else that I have herpes. & I joined plenty of fish for hookups. I tell each of my partners about my status before sex. Most men don’t care honestly. Sigh! I just regret that I told my Sister. But I can’t change it or take back the texts. I was hoping for a compassionate response. But I didn’t get that. Just no response. 

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I am so sorry. However, don't spend life worrying and assuming... so many times our assumptions are so wrong! Sometimes someone doesn't know what to say, sometimes they didn't see the message, etc. Don't assume that you did anything. You never know what could have prevented her from replying!!! 

Regardless, please know that others' responses about herpes is just their reaction; it isn't truth or the end-all be-all; just one human's reaction. You are worthy of love and kindness. You deserve respect and understanding. Just because someone does not treat you with that respect doesn't mean you did anything to deserve it, it just is a reflection of their beliefs, knowledge (or lack thereof), or feelings. 

I hope this helps ❤️

Sending peace and joy!! ❤️🌄🍀☀️🌼 

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