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Is it possible to get G-HSV 1 and G-HSV 2?

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I am GHSV-1 positive for 7 years. I only had one OB. I am 33/F

My current partner (33/M) is positive for GHSV-2. He has not had a *noticeable* outbreak in a couple years. He is not on anti virals.

I know it is possible to get HSV 1 and 2, but does anyone have both in the same area??

I REALLY don't want to get herpes AGAIN and am wondering on the safety of not using condoms, and how likely it is that I could get both types in the same area.


Thank you!



I hope you are well. 

This is a great question! So, it is possible to have HSV1 and HSV2 at the same time, but I honestly am unsure about have both at the same site on the body. 

Since you can contract both, there are many ways to help combat possible transmission. Suppressive medication is helpful. You and your partner can talk about suppressive medication. It would make more sense for him to go on it since he has type 2, which is typically more likely to be spread as it results in more frequent outbreaks, and GHSV-2 tends to be more intense in women (if he spread it to you). 

Wearing a condom significantly helps as well, and making sure to abstain from sexual activity if either of you think you are experiencing prodrome shedding (tingling, itching at site of HSV, possible aches/cold symptoms, etc) is also a good idea to prevent herpes from passing to either of you. 

I am going to engage in some more research and get back to you about getting both types at the same site, and meanwhile hopefully others who are more familiar with the situation will reply!! 

I hope this helps!!

Sending happiness and peace!! 🍀🌄🌼☀️❤️



Thank you! I don't think I'd ask him to go on meds since it's been so long since he had an OB.

We are currently using condoms but sometimes do not.


Of course!! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner with the updated research results!!

So I was checking out Planned Parenthood, which is a great resource to use, and they say...

"Does a previous HSV-1 infection protect me from a subsequent HSV-2 infection?"

"As mentioned previously, most of us are orally infected with HSV-1 as children. Unfortunately, a preexisting HSV-1 infection doesn’t protect us from acquiring an HSV-2 infection later in life, though it’s possible that it will help mitigate symptoms of a first HSV-2 outbreak. Those who already have an HSV-1 infection are much less likely to experience symptoms upon an initial HSV-2 infection. Likewise, a previous HSV-2 infection does not protect someone from acquiring an HSV-1 infection. It’s possible for HSV-1 and HSV-2 to infect the genitals at the same time — it just might not be as likely." (They sourced the National Library of Medicine, and the study cited is here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10547406/)

So what is really interesting about the National Library of Medicine study is that people who already had HSV-1 who got HSV-2 were not immune to contracting HSV-2, and SOME (not all!) of the study participants were less likely to show the symptoms of the HSV-2 when they did contract it.

In general, women are more likely than men to show symptoms of HSV-2 when they contract it, however because you already have HSV-1 and you contracted it, you may not show symptoms. So, yes, you can still get his HSV-2 in the same area, however you may not have as intense symptoms if you get it since your body already is familiar with the strain HSV-1. This means you can still contract it in the same area, although you may (or may not) have different symptoms from a typical first HSV-2 outbreak. 

This other article here actually talks about people who have HSV-1 and HSV-2 isolated in their genital regions (sorry it's so long I don't know why the URL is like that, lol).


I hope this helps!! Sorry to overload with information!!!

Sending happiness and good vibes!! 🌄

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