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Passing herpes to others non sexually

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I just found out last week that I have GHSV1, that was acquired 13 years ago.  I now have a toddler that I’m worried for. 
I’m looking for information on if anyone has ever passed this on to their children or others non sexually. I’m not talking about from birth, but more like daily activities. Ive read a ton of things that say that you cannot catch it from a toilet set, laundry, etc. but is that information actually correct? Cause my brain says there’s always a chance. 😭😬 

If there is anyone that has children and has success stories that can ease my mind, I would greatly appreciate hearing them. Also, I would like to read more about how often GHSV1 sheds, how easily it’s transmitted, etc. 

Thank you! 



I hope you are well ❤️!!

I am so sorry about your worrying. I can't even imagine what it's like to be struggling with all these AND have children to care for and worry about. 

I don't have any children, but I've heard of parents passing it on to their children via a kiss (but that's oral HSV, not genital HSV). It would be extremely extremely bad if a had had genital HSV, because that is usually a sign a child is being sexually abused or has been abused. 

I know the OCD makes you feel like you'll give it through sharing a shower, a toilet, doing laundry, going in a pool, etc, but that is not how it spreads. Skin to skin contact is the source! And this is with the infected area, not your knee or your nose etc. Also, washing your hands with soap and water after touching a sore or the area is enough to keep you and your family safe. 

It will be okay!! Something that is really helpful is talking out the fear. Hearing ourself say them aloud to another (even your husband or a doctor or therapist) really can help you see the unrealistic qualities of the worries. Also, OCD is like a record player that doesn't turn off, but for some reason the record player gets more quiet when I share my worries with others. It's like, the more I share the less scary and powerful the OCD is!!

Maybe it would help to recieve comfort from a doctor or medical professional? Also, I will research for some helpful pamphlets and info for you to help ease the worries!! 🍀☀️

You can do this!! One day at a time, one step forward at a time ☀️🌄. You are a caring mom and your children are lucky to have you!! 

Sending prayers and comfort your way!! 🌄☀️❤️🌼😇🌈

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Hi, I will tell you I truly believe I have passed it onto my daughter. We are still in limbo of getting a definitive diagnosis. If you would like to private message me. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/24/2021 at 8:26 AM, OutOfWit said:

Hi, I will tell you I truly believe I have passed it onto my daughter. We are still in limbo of getting a definitive diagnosis. If you would like to private message me. 

I was told that it can only be passed on to a child in cases on sexual abuse and that worries the hell out of me because i'm the only person she's come into contact with this entire pandemic. Can you please clarify and share what's going on? Google is saying it can be passed on by coming into contact with or without sores and all it takes is contact with buttocks and upper thighs (skin to skin contact) and here i'm reading something else. Confusing for sure. 

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Hi @worriedmom32!! 

Your frustrations are 110% valid, and so many other people have experienced this bizzare Information mix, like a giant sack of trail mix that has some trustworthy good nutrition info-nuts, and then garbage chunks of misinformation.

Information about herpes, especially transmission, is extremely scattered, however the consensus is herpes is transmitted by skin to skin contact with the infected area, regardless of active sores. Asymptomatic viral shedding is invisible to the eye and people don't notice they are shedding, which is why herpes spreading is so common. 

When it comes to children, herpes sores on a lip can occur because of kissing. Another consensus is that herpes doesn't spread through inanimate objects, such as bedding, clothes (I mean maybe like sharing the same pair of underwear before washing would be an issue but idk why someone would do that anyway), or toilet seats. A child laying near you would only get herpes on their genitals if their genitals came into direct skin to skin contact with your infected area. Note that herpes doesn't spread through clothes, so if your child was wearing pants or shorts while snuggling with you, and their clothes touched a herpes sore on your thigh, the herpes wouldn't pass through the fabric and onto her skin. 

Here is a great reliable and science-backed site that explains everything, from the New Zealand Herpes Foundation. It addresses many worries parents have, including snuggling!!  https://www.herpes.org.nz/herpes-patient-info/parenting-herpes

I hope this clears things up!!! Maybe consulting with a virologist or pediatrician or OBGYN would help clear things up, too?



46 minutes ago, Flowerteacher55 said:

Hi @worriedmom32!! 

Your frustrations are 110% valid, and so many other people have experienced this bizzare Information mix, like a giant sack of trail mix that has some trustworthy good nutrition info-nuts, and then garbage chunks of misinformation.

Information about herpes, especially transmission, is extremely scattered, however the consensus is herpes is transmitted by skin to skin contact with the infected area, regardless of active sores. Asymptomatic viral shedding is invisible to the eye and people don't notice they are shedding, which is why herpes spreading is so common. 

When it comes to children, herpes sores on a lip can occur because of kissing. Another consensus is that herpes doesn't spread through inanimate objects, such as bedding, clothes (I mean maybe like sharing the same pair of underwear before washing would be an issue but idk why someone would do that anyway), or toilet seats. A child laying near you would only get herpes on their genitals if their genitals came into direct skin to skin contact with your infected area. Note that herpes doesn't spread through clothes, so if your child was wearing pants or shorts while snuggling with you, and their clothes touched a herpes sore on your thigh, the herpes wouldn't pass through the fabric and onto her skin. 

Here is a great reliable and science-backed site that explains everything, from the New Zealand Herpes Foundation. It addresses many worries parents have, including snuggling!!  https://www.herpes.org.nz/herpes-patient-info/parenting-herpes

I hope this clears things up!!! Maybe consulting with a virologist or pediatrician or OBGYN would help clear things up, too?



Flowerteacher, both of us wear tshirt and underwear around the house. I know I can't be the only woman that does this. This is why I'm frightened. If you're saying that there has to be genital to genital touching like vagina to vagina for transmission to take place then I know i can rest easy. We're close but we're not that close. She is very cuddly, sits on my lab, crawls into my bed and snuggles me. So if you're saying herpes can't be transmitted that way then I know i have nothing to worry about. Thank you so much. Yes, the information online is very very confusing. We get the test results back on thursday. We'll know for sure then! 😄 

oOoh and btw I've never actually seen a herpes sore. My outbreaks are just vaginal burning. No outbreaks on my buttocks. Which is why this is all so confusing for my daughter to have burning pain with pee and pelvic pain and test negative for yeast, bv and trich. All that's left to test for is herpes and UTI and we'll get those results back soon.  

I no longer walk around the house in underwear. Apparently my body is a weapon of mass destruction until proven otherwise. 

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Hi!! @worriedmom32

No, I totally understand. A big t-shirt and undies are basically the comfiest combination ever. lol!

Yay, I'm happy that the info was helpful! Yes, clothing is a great barrier, so you should be fine, but yes, Thursday awaits!

Oh gosh! You've never seen a sore! I'm so sorry I didn't know that, or missed it in a previous post. Herpes sores can actually be inside the vaginal cavity (I had that during my first OB), so the burning could be from that. You've tested positive for herpes though, right? 

And aw, it's okay! You're not a weapon of mass destruction at all :classic_sad: You are a blessing, and you are a strong mama bear! 

Sending positive energy your way! 🐻💛



2 hours ago, Flowerteacher55 said:

Hi!! @worriedmom32

No, I totally understand. A big t-shirt and undies are basically the comfiest combination ever. lol!

Yay, I'm happy that the info was helpful! Yes, clothing is a great barrier, so you should be fine, but yes, Thursday awaits!

Oh gosh! You've never seen a sore! I'm so sorry I didn't know that, or missed it in a previous post. Herpes sores can actually be inside the vaginal cavity (I had that during my first OB), so the burning could be from that. You've tested positive for herpes though, right? 

And aw, it's okay! You're not a weapon of mass destruction at all :classic_sad: You are a blessing, and you are a strong mama bear! 

Sending positive energy your way! 🐻💛



Yes! Tested positive for herpes in 2019. And never seen a sore. I just get burning around the vagina area.

I'm almost sure the sores are in my vagina. Don't they say that when a person gets herpes they get sores at the site of infection? She had burning while peeing which would be inconsistent since she's not sexually active. So maybe it's not herpes after all or could herpes still show up in the vagina no matter the site of infection? The information out there is very inconsistent. I don't even think they know for sure all the ways this thing can be transmitted. 

My daughter's symptoms only lasted four days. My first OB lasted a few weeks. And she had burning only while peeing and no other symptoms. I'm nervous but the more I read the more I make peace with whatever comes out of this. I've already prepared my daughter for it and she said mom it's ok i know you didn't do anything wrong. Still though just the thought of it breaks my heart but we've slayed bigger monsters than Herpes. I'll let you know what happens on Thursday. Thank you so so much for everything ❤️



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  • 3 weeks later...

I got HSV2 non sextual as an adult. I most likely got if from a relative that I would let stay with me to get away from her boyfriend of and on for 3 years. So, some for of cross contamination. That is why I just joined as I don't know where I got it at. The doctor though it could be from a cut or rubbing eyes or mouth. 

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Hello @CThinks!

I hope you are well. 

I can't even imagine how stressful it must be to not know where you got it from. Please know you are not alone! We are all here to help you ❤️.

To better help and hypothesize how you got it, I am going to ask some questions and offer some information.

You don't need to answer all of them, just whatever you are comfortable with! 🙂

How did you discover you have herpes? Did you get an outbreak and get the sore swabbed, or did you get a blood test? 

Herpes doesn't usually spread through sharing a space, objects, bedding, clothing, etc. Is it hypothetically possible, yes, but very very unlikely (unless it is a shared object like a sex toy, for example).

Typically, herpes sores would appear at the area of infection. So, if you had a paper cut and the virus entered there, it would cause herpetic whitlow, for example, which is herpes on the hand or fingers. Ocular herpes is also possible, which is herpes of the eye. However, if your sore(s) presented oral or genital, it seems those would be where the virus entered the skin/body.

It is possible to have HSV-2 but not know it until later in your life. Have you ever been with a person who has HSV-2?

Have you ever experienced any prodrome symptoms (tingling at base of spine, thighs, or buttocks, flu like symptoms, itching and/or burning, etc)? 

I am sending you blessings and positive energy!! 🌄🌼




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