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Test HSV2 3.43 says positive but could it be a false positive?

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Dear All

ive just recently met a guy who has been in opioid recovery for 2 yrs, he got tested and luckily tested negative on everything however the doctor did not request hsv1/2.  So the results I am showing you are from 10 years ago, and old Quest diagnostics report that we found on his record.  This guy has been very straight forward and honest and has told me he has never had a sore of any kind, nowhere In his body, this conversation was just after I stated I have HSV1.   
so these were his test results 10 years ago:



   Index                  Interpretation
   <0.90                  Negative
   0.90-1.10              Equivocal
   >1.10                  Positive

I saw it and it is a positive, however he has never had symptoms and my HSV1 test antibodies are at 57.00H which is a huge number.  Could it be possible that he has a false positive? 

He will get re tested and hopefully we will do the western blot.  However just wanted to hear your thoughts on this such low positive number.



Hi!! @Alexis1991

I hope you are well. 

First, I am happy you've met someone. I hope they treat you with kindness and respect and love. Also, congrats to him for being sober for two years!!

Second, let's talk the test results. I love that he had the results and showed them to you! That trust is amazing!!

The IgG tests are very accurate. The fact that he tested in the positive range for HSV-1 and HSV-2 means he has the antibodies for it, which means he has come into contact with it at some point in his life, and he may or may not have shown symptoms.

The fact that you had a 57.00 H IgG reading could have been due to the time when you got the bloodtest. If you took it early in infection when the body was fighting the active outbreak, the levels would be high. As the virus heals and the body builds immunity, the levels may go down. Something that is SO weird is the antibodies may decrease over time especially if you do not have frequent outbreak occurrences, according to https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/eba73c80419df489942cd6c8f6e9796e/09230MA-Herpes+Serology+09+PROOF.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&amp;CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-eba73c80419df489942cd6c8f6e9796e-nwKfLd4

However, it is important to keep this in mind if you choose to have sex/be sexually intimate. Whatever you choose, understand the risks and make a plan for if you end up contracting HSV-2. 

May you be happy and blessed!!!



  • 3 years later...

Disappearing antibodies is a shocker to me, never knew this.

I am now back to square one with my situation. I had a negative western blot a few years ago but I am now questioning it since antibodies can disappear, which also means a lot fo people are out there carryting the virus but probably never got tested until antibodies disappeared.

This whole situation has been deeply troubling me for over 20 years now and has affected major areas of my life and it has severleyt affected me as well as my mental health whic was already not great.


@pecanI hear you — the idea of disappearing antibodies can definitely throw you for a loop! But the key thing to know is that even though antibodies might fluctuate, they don’t just vanish overnight. If you had a negative Western Blot before, it’s still considered the gold standard, so there’s no reason to question that result. It sounds like anxiety might be creeping in and amplifying those doubts. You’ve got this — trust your body’s results and keep focusing on what’s in front of you. 💪

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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