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IgG false negative?

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Has anyone had a false negative for IgG blood work years after exposure?

I had ulcers one time 2-3 years ago, swabbed negative.

now years later I also have negative IgG blood work.

I am planning on getting the Western Blot test but wasn’t sure if anyone else has had a negative swab and negative IgG but had ulcers one time.

Thank you!

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I hope you are well.

I have never had this happen to me, as my swab test came back positive. Swab tests can come back as false negatives, especially if the sample was not taken correctly or if there was too much time between the sample being taken and then tested. 

IgG tests are more accurate than IgM tests, because IgG antibodies stay with you for life. I have heard others on this forum talk about tests that have come up negative despite having sores at one point! Hopefully they will add their thoughts and comments, too! 

Also, are you sure it was herpes? Did your symptoms align with herpes, did you take antiviral medication and if so, did it help?



All of my symptoms aligned with herpes. I took Valtrex for 7 days after that outbreak and the outbreak went away which could just be a coincidence…..I also had gotten BV a month or two before the outbreak and did not react well to the cream antibiotic they gave me so I started doing apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt soaks daily…then the ulcers appeared.

my boyfriend at the time got canker sores (not cold sores) a lot inside his mouth and had preformed oral on me a week or two prior to the ulcers forming….so the doctor and myself originally thought it was GHSV1.

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