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Experience with valacyclovir keeping partner safe

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I have been single for three years and would like to start dating. 
I can feel leg pain and swollen lymph nodes  below the waist when I am ready to have an OB. Summertime seems worse for me. 
I have been prescribed 1 gram once per day. If I feel something happening I take more for 5 days. 
I believe I got this from my exhusband back in 2003. It comes and goes. 
I want to be as safe as possible and take this pill but I feel like since I have been taking it I have had repeated OB in the last 5 weeks. 
has anyone had more while talking this pill? Maybe it is a coincidence. I just don’t know. 
thank you in advance,



Hi @Needingsupport1!!

I hope you are well!

First, hooray! It is so exciting to start dating again. It may seem scary and overwhelming, but you can do it, and we are all here to help and support you however you need.

Second, let's talk herpes! To better help you, I have a few questions:

What type of HSV do you have?

What medicine were you prescribed, and how long have you been taking it? Have the adverse reactions/OBs been occurring since you started taking it?

Some people can experience a lack of viral response to antivirals, but it seems your outbreaks have worsened since the start of taking the medicine. Have you done anything else different recently? Any changes in stress, sex, exercise, diet, etc can influence outbreaks.  

I hope this helps!

Sending blessings and joy your way! 🌻☀️




thank you

I have hsv2.   I take 1 gram of valacyclovir. 
I never really took it before but bc I want to start dating I started taking it over the last 5 or so weeks. I did go to the beach. I am extremely stressed about dating. 
I did not take this pill much at all for all of these years until now.  But I want to be as safe as possible. But it has been a rough few weeks for me. 
thank you


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Okay! So, something interesting is that sunlight and UV light can actually trigger outbreaks, which may be a reason why your OBs are worse in the summer than in other seasons. Although the genitals do no see sunlight, the buttocks, thighs, and bikini line can get sun and if those are points of infection, it can have an impact. The bathing suit chafing also could be a trigger. 

In terms of dating, you don't necessarily need to be on supressive medication to have a happy and healthy sex life, unless you feel more comfortable with that. Perhaps you should talk to your OBGYN and doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing, and explain how the OBs coincide with the start date of taking the daily supressive medicine. They may ask you to stop taking it to see if the OBs subside, or may place you on another antiviral. Regardless, you deserve to feel happy and well, and you shouldn't suffer with the outbreaks and confusing symptoms. Hopefully a doctor can provide some clarity!! 

I hope this helps!! 

sending light and joy your way! 🦋🌻🌄


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