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Suppressive Viral Therapy Options

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What type of doctor should a person work with to discuss the possibility of daily suppressive therapy for the herpes virus? PCPs and a Urologist both told me that daily suppressive therapy isn’t a thing. Instead antivirals are only prescribed during an active outbreak. Is this true? Would you suggest an OBGYN for my girlfriend and a urologist or infectious disease expert for a guy? Thanks. 



First, daily supressive therapy IS A THING. I am honestly so confused why they didn't know that. Daily supressive antiviral therapy helps SO many people, especially those with genital herpes. 

for your girlfriend, an OBGYN would be helpful. For you, and your girlfriend if all else fails, I would recommend going to a reproductive health clinic, where they already know the true reality of antiviral suppressive medication. 

I am so sorry for the previous issues with your doctors! 

I hope this helps 🍀



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