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Can partners trigger outbreaks?

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If both partners in a couple have the herpes virus and they engage in intercourse while one has an outbreak but the other does not can that trigger an outbreak in the person who is currently not symptomatic? Thanks. 

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Wow another great question!! 

So, if someone has an outbreak and has sex with someone who has the same type of HSV, it can trigger an outbreak, but not necessarily because of the partner's outbreak. Friction from sex can cause outbreaks.

I don't think that it would trigger an outbreak outrightly, as the other partner has antibodies for it, however it hypothetically could trigger an outbreak. I honestly am not fully sure!! Perhaps ask a doctor or OBGYN? 

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this or experience in this situation where two partners have the same HSV and navigate intimacy?? Any insight would be appreciated!! 

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