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In one year I had around 30 outbreaks

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In July 2015, I was diagnosed with HSV-1. I catch it from my boyfriend through oral sex. It must take around 10-14 days after getting infected to get my first outbreak around my genitals. It was a horrific experience, physically and mentally.

I was lucky, and I was fine shortly after. I had no outbreaks since and was living a happy, normal life until July 2020. 

Initially, I thought tight underwear irritated my skin on a hot summer day. The skin was swollen and was sensitive. I had some kind of spots, and it didn’t look like herpes to me. Even in one clinic, after a swab test,  my herpes results came back negative, which really confused me. In the end, all the symptoms showed it was herpes. 


Now it’s been exactly a year since I started to have outbreaks. In one year, I had plus-minus 30 outbreaks. Basically, three outbreaks a month. I have been prescribed Aciclovir 400mg tablets to take two a day for six months. Unfortunately, I’m having side effects from this medicine. I have been feeling super exhausted, having lost of concentration and difficulty speaking. I still pushed myself to take this medicine as they stopped my outbreaks, but when one day I nearly collapsed and had a panic attack, I stopped immediately. 


I did all possible blood tests regarding general health and sexual, and no indications of something wrong with me. Doctors said I need to look after myself as it’s nothing they can do, as my results are all fine.

Of course, I felt in a dark place and alone all this time. It was a time I didn’t wanted get up and was crying every time a new outbreak was starting. Now I’m stronger mentally, shared the story with few close friends and thinking optimistic it will stop one day soon.

I just don’t get why I had no outbreaks last five years, and now this virus terrorising my body. I tried health supplements like Lysine, olive leaf and LomaHerpan cream. Nothing seems to help. 


Reading some comments, I saw I’m not alone and felt really sad for people who experienced a similar situations as I know how hard it is. 

I would highly appreciate your comments, perhaps someone experiencing similar issues!

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First, thank you for sharing your story with us. So many can relate and your experiences really help others feel less alone. 

Second, I am so sorry for the pain you've been experiencing. Herpes is such a unique virus in that it can lay dormant for years and suddenly flare up into back-to-back outbreaks like the ones you've been experiencing. 

Your negative swab result in July of 2020 could have been due to a delay in testing. Swab tests work by detecting a large enough amount of virus in a section of skin swabbed, so if the area swabbed just happened to contain less of the virus, it can produce a false negatives. Also, if the sores have already started to heal, or it's been more than 48 hours post-outbreak starting, the risk of the swab producing a glass negatives increases. 

Your sudden increase in outbreaks could be due to an environmental factor: something that has happened the last year that has reactivated the virus. It could even have been linked to the immense stress from COVID. If you started a new diet, exercise routine, started a new medication, or even came down with a cold or flue, it could trigger a chain of outbreaks. 

Also, sometimes herpes becomes resistant to antivirals. Viruses can adapt and become unaffected by antiviral medication, so instead of increasing the dosage to amounts that cause you harm (which is terrible! You don't deserve that at all!) You can try changing your medication. If your body is rejecting the medication through side effects, it is best to listen to your body and try a different method of helping the outbreaks, either with a new medication or a combination of different solutions. 

You have tried so many things already, so I'm sure you feel frustrated and just sad. If you feel you need more direct support, I recommend getting a referral from your doctor or OBGYN for a virologist. The fact that your doctor said they can't do anything more for you indicates that you need an expert opinion. That is not okay for them to just say they can't help you any further, because that's just in regards to what THEY can do, not what OTHER doctors can do!! Also, HSV-1 typically doesn't cause as intense and frequent outbreaks, so a virologist may be able to understand why this is happening and how to help.

In the meantime, be kind to yourself. You can and will get through this. Please know you are worthy of love and health and happiness, and good things are on the way. I am praying for you!!! ❤️☀️🌻



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Of course!! Way to stay hopeful ❤️

If I come across any information that relates to your symptoms, I will share it with you!! 

You are in my thoughts and prayers!! 🌄🌻



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  • 3 weeks later...

You are definitely not alone! I also had no outbreaks for 5.5 years and lived a very happy life. I had my first child July 2020 and 6 weeks later, boom….outbreak after outbreak. It’s been hell. I’ve had 17 give or take in the last 11 months, so I get it. I am at a loss as well. Obviously I think it’s because I gave birth, but it’s been almost a year and my body feels like it’s back to normal now. It’s just such a strange virus. Will go dormant for years and then show it’s ugly face.

I think sometimes when your body gets back to back outbreaks, it gets into a cycle and stays there for a while. But just like it magically appeared for you, I am confident it will go away too. I just don’t think we should expect to live the rest of our lives like this and I’m hopeful it’ll get better for both of us 💜

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  • 3 weeks later...


I would like to give an update on my story... Previously I have been told in the clinic they not planning to do a swab again as I been diagnosed with HSV-1 in 2015. Finally, a few weeks back, I managed to get an appointment in the GUM clinic (I am based in the UK), and a doctor took a swab. 

The results shocked me, and I had a week of crying and feeling super depressed. I guess our mentality takes time to adjust, and now I’m fine. 

My results came back as HSV-2!!! Great, now I have them both. I know it’s possible, but it’s unlikely ?! Usually, the HSV-1 anti-bodies will fight HSV-2 or something like that. I guess I need to do more research now as all this time, and I was researching HSV-1.

On the brighter side, at least I know it’s a new virus and the whole year, my body fighting it! That’s why I have constant outbreaks ( on average, 3 a month). Also, it’s made me think if my first HSV never bothered me since, so this second type also soon should to come down and hopefully never ever bother me again!

Also, I have been given valacyclovir to try instead of Aciclovir, which was making me poorly. (Even I know they are pretty much the same).

I do believe I got it from my partner last summer as my first outbreak in July 2019 was super painful and lasted few weeks. Now, these sores heal in few days sometimes!

And since I discovered my diagnosis, I feel more relieved in the way and really believing that this HSV-2 will stop terrorising my body! 

I felt calmer after I shared this story with my partner and few very close friends. For nearly a year, I have been keeping this story to myself. Also, I didn’t see my partner for a year since these outbreaks started due to covid travel restrictions (we live in different countries), so I guess we are more like friends now. Still, It’s so important in difficult situations to have support from your loved ones! 

Yes, I still cry when my outbreaks start but apart from that, I’m super optimistic. Nothing lasts forever, and this virus too! I mean, it stays in our bodies but can go back to sleep and not bother us! I wish everyone to get better who is going through a similar issue and stay strong 💖

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Oh my gosh!! Your journey through this has been so emotional and medically draining, but I am so so happy to hear you are working things through by confiding in others and getting a new antiviral to try! Did your partner know he had it, or was this news to him?

Yes, as you said, someone can have both types of HSV, although I am unsure what percent of people have both. It makes total sense why the outbreaks got so much worse (it was a new strain and your body had to build up immunity!). Also, HSV  symptoms are often more severe for those with vaginas, especially at the time of initial contact with the new strain.

Also, hooray for the GUM clinic actually respected your requested and did a swab test! Although it was so frustrating and tiring to keep asking, advocating for yourself can totally work out in the end. Way to stand up for yourself! ☺️

Thank you for sharing your journey with us and updating us with this news, I'm sure others who are struggling with similar stories can find comfort in knowing it all worked out. 

Blessings and prayers of health and happiness to you and your partner! 

  • Thanks 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes I don’t know what’s worse, the outbreak or my mental health. Up and down because of this issue…
I’ve  prescribed Valaciclovir recently. I’m usually taking 1-2 tablets for 3 days if I feel the outbreak. It works, and I didn’t have an outbreak since the end of august! I felt a bit weak and had weird headaches coming back sometimes. It tends to happen when I take this medication for some reason… 
I’m not against medication but also I don’t want abuse my body with tablets all the time but at the end of the day if it helps, it helps. 
Thank you! 

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I'm in back to back h2 outbreaks, I went back on acyclovir as the valacyclovir wasn't working. Lol neither is this really but I'm going to see how it goes with a little more time. It happened after my husband passed away from Covid last year. But my gyne also put me on antidepressants with my antiviral so we'll see how that works.

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@Almostperfect Hello,

I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your husband. I cannot even imagine the heartbreak you have been feeling.

Your outbreaks may be occurring because of stress. Loss and grief can manifest in the body, and can trigger different physical responses (one of them being HSV outbreaks).

The antidepressants may help reduce the stress, which can in turn may help reduce outbreaks. 

I am on Zoloft for my OCD and it helps me feel relaxed enough to be able to handle my stress, which is good. I hope that your antidepressant helps you! ❤️ 

Please know that you are not alone. We are here to listen and support you however you need. Remember that you are so loved, and that you are beautiful, and that you are strong ❤️.

Sending blessings and prayers your way ❤️

-- Grace 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I wish you to stay strong. Only you understand your pain, and I know kind words can help but not heal. I really hope your condition will get better. Me personally against strong medicines like antidepressants, but if the grief is so strong, any solution is a massive help. Sorry for your loss, and I hope with time you can heal in every way 💫💖

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Hi Grace, 

Thank you for your message, and I do feel better. And I hope it stays that way! I didn’t had any outbreaks since the end of August. So it’s over one month! It makes me feel so much better mentally. Few times I felt I could have an outbreak, but I took Valaciclovir for 2-3 days, and I was fine. I do believe Valaciclovir works better for me. 
I also think as it’s been a year since I got HSV2, my body finally fighting it. I just hope it is the end and this virus going into a deep sleep and never will wake up in my body. I feel confident and happier with myself. 
It’s really crazy how this virus affects peoples life mentally! It’s so embarrassing and heartbreaking for people with regular outbreaks, especially if medicines don’t work. I get upset reading people messages on here because I feel their pain. As I said before, I was experiencing 3 outbreaks a month for almost a year, and it was a horrendous experience! 
I wish everyone believing in themselves, and with time things will get better ❤️

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Hi everyone,

I am in the exact same situation! I used to get one or two outbreaks a year and now I'm getting them back to back. How annoying!!! 

Im avoiding daily suppression currently. I was taking valtrex everyday before when I was sexually active. But now I'm just chilling so I ain't gonna take it. Just see if my body adapts. 

I've been on and off suppressives before. I was taking them because it made my past two partners feel safer. These outbreaks are most likely related to my health, as it has declined these past four years (ankolosing spondylitis and chronic migraine). My question is do you guys think going on and off suppressives could have been a factor? I prefer not to take it when I'm not dating someone but what are the chances of antiviral resistant hsv2 anyway? 


Thanks people!!



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I am so sorry to hear about your recent health struggles. We are here for you! You are not alone ❤️!

In regards to the outbreaks, it could be due to your health, and the stress that your two other health issues have been causing. Also, has your ankolosing spondylitis caused you any nerve pain? Because it affects the spine, and genital HSV lives in the big nerve ball at the base of the spine, maybe the two are impacting each other? 

It makes sense that you aren't taking the suppressant, since you aren't intimate right now. However, some people take anitvirals for their own well-being, not just for intimacy! Similar to how some people take birth control pills for hormone regulation-- pregnancy prevention is just a bonus!. Similarly, daily supressents may help alleviate the constant outbreaks. If you are concerned about taking the antivirals, you can always consult your doctor and even your pharmacist, as they understand the biochemical reactions and potential side effects that antiviral medication has with any other medicine you may be taking. 

In terms of antiviral resistance, it is possible, however you would exactly know if you were resistant until you started taking them and things weren't getting better, even after upping the dosage and trying different antivirals. Those with resistance usually use strong IV antivirals to help them get better.

I hope this help!! 

Stay well!

Sending blessings of health and happiness your way!! 🌄




Thanks Grace!

Yeah i mean, I don't really mind the outbreaks themselves. They're pretty small and more of a nuisance if anything. I've never had any side effects with the valtrex. But damn I want to be on less meds since I'm on so many given my other health issues. I was taking 1000 mg/day at one point. I actually weaned off completely and was fine for a few months until recently.

Anyways, I appreciate all your help and support. Thanks again!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just thought I'd add my experience to this post. I've had H 20+ years. Very little to no outbreaks but at times long periods of prodromal symptoms; almost always closely tied to stressful jobs. Then in the last year started having major prodromols and occassional outbreaks more and more frequently and long lasting.  I read something on here about tea tree oil and only half reading the post because I was so eager to try something I slathered it on (apparently you are supposed to dilute it). The next day I was on fire  and "blew up" down there, bumps everywhere.  Okay as if I didn't learn my lesson the first time I got online and across something about using alum to dry the outbreaks out.  Again didn't do any research and just rubbed it all over liberally because more must be better. Between those two actions I pretty much destroyed my lady parts for over a month or two. I wanted to die. It seemed to trigger the most insane rolling outbreaks that spread all over my inner thighs.  Weeks after it started settling down I would get random rashes on my torso and legs.  It took about 2 months total for things to mostly settle down. I'm still having flareups but I think my body's immune system went haywire and is finally figuring out what to do. Meanwhile I want to point out that there was a point that nothing was working and I was so at a loss and figured this could be the rest of my life in rolling outbreaks. I decided I literally didn't care; my body can do whatever it wants...I had other stuff to do, I was exhausted from stressing about it.  I started truly ignoring it. Watched lots of comedy stuff on youtube. Read a lot. Got busy enjoying my summer. Did not give an F about it one bit.. I think on some level this cut out the stress (which has always been a trigger for my constant prodromols) and ultimately helped me on my way to healing.  I don't know if I'm out of the woods truly.  And probably not. I actually think my more recent issues could be tied to becoming premenopausal. Since I hit my forties my body has been doing all kinds of weird things as far as immunity, energy level, illnesses, random pain, moods, all the classic hair/skin changes that start in your 40's and so much more. Been tested for everything and I "super healthy".  With that in mind there's not a lot I can do except maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep my stress low.  Also chocolate and nuts were never triggers for me until my 40's.  That definitely makes me sad!!  

  • Like 1

Hello @LoveTheMountains!!

Thank you so much for sharing your story here!! I am so sorry about the pain and suffering you endured from the holistic remedies. Tea tree oil is such an amazing thing, but yes, it is often very concentrated and can cause irritation, especially to sensiive areas!!

Thank you for bringing up such a key intersectionality of HSV-2 menopause. Many people are afraid of talking about it, and others may not even really think about it. But, menopause, pre-menopause, peri-menopause, etc impact the body so greatly, and that shouldn't be overlooked when examining sudden changes in HSV outbreaks or symptoms. You brought up such a great point that our bodies change over time. What never bothered us before can bother us now, like nuts or chocolate (so sad 😢 I literally just ate a bunch of chocolate chips so not being able to do so would break my heart 😂). 

Stay well!! Sending blessings and prayers of healthy and happiness your way 🌄💛



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