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Hey! So I contracted hsv 2 from my current boyfriend. He has never had an outbreak (unlike me) but when he was tested he had antibodies so yea. My question is because I don’t know when he breaks out is it safe for me to “do my thing” without me having to worry about it spreading to other parts of my body, I have had this for 9months now. Also can it spread thru semen or vagina fluid? I am on daily antivirals and he doesn’t take anything EVER (he never breaks out) so do that make a difference? Also is oral sex safe for the both of us considering I’m on antivirals and he isn’t? Also considering idk where he outbreaks at

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Hi!! 🙂 

You and your partner both have herpes, so you have the antibodies to prevent it from being contracted elsewhere on the body. You can still catch HSV-1, however, just a piece of information for you to have!

During the early stages of herpes, such as during the first outbreak, your body hasn't built up enough antibodies so it is possible to spread it to other parts of your body. However, since you have had herpes for 9 months, you most likely have built up sufficient antibodies to protect you from contracting it. If your boyfriend's HSV-2 was diagnosed via blood test, that means he has enough IgG antibodies to appear in the test, which means he also probably has had herpes for a long enough time to build up sufficient numbers of antibodies to protect him from contracting it elsewhere on his body. 

Could you hypothetically contract HSV-2 elsewhere? Sure. But it would take some effort, like, licking an open oozing sore (which we wouldn't want to do anyways). 

Herpes is not transmitted by blood. Herpes can be transmitted through semen and vaginal fluids, but I am unsure if it can only do so during active outbreaks. The virus doesn't inherently live in the fluids, and herpes is passed through skin to skin contact, so it seems the fluids can act as a means for the virus to get to another's skin, should the fluids from one person get on or in another. (If the fluids touch someone's sores, and then that fluid goes in or on another person, that would/could spread the virus). Again, I am not 100% sure about this, as the research I found was medically complicated! I would ask a doctor this question 🙂 

I hope this helps! ❤️



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