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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook


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I'm not really sure why I'm sharing my story, I guess it just feels good to get it out. For a long time I had only ever had sex with two people, both of which were serious long-term relationships. I had been with my most recent ex for over three years but the relationship became stale and boring. In the two weeks immediately after breaking up with him, I slept with six different people just because I wanted to feel free and do something I had never done before. I'm not even completely sure who gave me herpes. I thought I knew but the more I think about it, it could have been any of them. None of them disclosed to me that the had herpes and most of them were just hookups with no communication afterward. I always used condoms but I know there's still a slight risk or I could have gotten it from receiving oral sex too. I just feel so unlucky that the first time I tried dating around I was immediately punished, when so many people have had many many more sexual partners than me. 

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I am so sorry that happened. Please know it isn't your fault. You are not dirty. You are not bad. You are not ugly. You are clean and pure. You are good. You are beautiful ❤️ .

You didn't deserve this, you weren't being punished. Herpes is a common virus that most humans have, and so many people don't even know they have it, which is why it is so common. If someone did have it and omitted that information, I am so sorry. That is unethical. If someone didn't even know they had it, that's not good either, but they aren't at fault.

You said you weren't in communication with these people afterwards, but if you wanted to you could reach out and let them know you contracted herpes, if they wanted to also get tested for their own health and well-being. 

Contracting this common virus is part of being a human for some humans, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. 

Did you take a blood test to confirm, or was it a swab test?  

Please know you are not alone ❤️. You are still worthy of love and happiness, and herpes doesn't change who you are; it doesn't define you 

If you need to vent or ask questions, we are here for you! 🙂🌄 

Sending blessings and joy your way,



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