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I have a question about getting blisters on butt and or thighs, I had one big distinctive blister (not a ulcer, cluster of bumps with fluid) on my butt before but since I’ve been diagnosed with hsv2 in July of 2021 and even before being diagnosed I have noticed there has been a increase when it comes to my Butt acne. they don’t all seem like blisters… they seem like regular acne. But I also saw that the person who gave it to me was also having the same thing happen to him so I’m wondering if it has to do with herpes or is just butt acne? also does herpes have any ties to acne or anything with the areas of the arms thighs and butt and lower back?


Hi!! ☺️

I hope you are doing well!

Your question is a great one, and it really made me think!! 

I am not a medical professional, however I am a very active person. I cycle and run. Herpes sores and acne can occur in areas that have a lot of friction, whether from an activity (biking, for example) or clothing, especially tight non-breathable clothing. If you and the person who gave it to you did similar activities, that may be a hypothesis as to why you both had simultaneous butt acne. Also, the booty is a place where we sweat from. So, as much as we don't like having butt acne, it's normal. 

Also, for those who shave their booties, ingrown hairs and skin irritations can be a cause for bumps as well. 

In regards to relationships between herpes and acne, I haven't come across any studies that talk about it. However, if hormones are a trigger for someone's outbreaks, this may explain a correlation between herpes out reals and acne occuring simultaneously, as hormones can also cause increased acne. Or, if friction is a trigger for outbreaks, and a person experiences friction at a location where they also sweat a lot (lower back while using exercise machines or doing crunches, for example) this could be a hypothetical connection as to why acne and herpes sores would appear together or in the same area at different points in time. 

I hope this helps!! ☺️❤️ Again, I am not a doctor! If you have more questions I am sure a dermatologist or a medical professional would be able to provide more information!

Sending blessings and happiness your way!! 🌄

-- Grace


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there!

I'm also not a medical professional, but I do know from experience herpes can show up on the buttocks, and they have coined it sacral herpes. It can happen anywhere around the buttocks, thighs, or genital area. I don't know of a correlation to acne, but the type of clusters and time and your prodrome symptoms may be a clue. 

Hope this helps! 

Take care! 

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