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Hello. This isn’t related to herpes but it never happened until I found out I had genital HSV2 a couple of months ago. I feel a little itchy down there, slight burn when I pee and I had white balls/squishy discharge (no mucus or fluid just balls) for 2 days. I looked it up and it’s possibly a yeast infection. Well I ended up starting my period yesterday and there haven’t been anymore white lumps but it’s slightly itchy. Should I still get yeast infection cream? Is it possible it would go away that quick? I wasn’t sure if this could be the start of an outbreak because I haven’t had one since my initial outbreak and I had a yeast infection then. 

Thanks for any advice, sorry if this question isn’t allowed! 

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Hi!! 🙂 

It's totally okay to ask other questions here! So much is connected, especially when it comes to health and the body.

By white balls do you mean the discharge was little white ball clumps? Or do you mean you had white balls on your skin (bumps)?

If you are referring to discharge, it sounds like it could be a yeast infection. Also, during different times of your menstrual cycle, discharge changes. Gooey white clumps (sort of 'egg white' looking) can be a sign of ovulation, for example. However, you mentioned that your discharge was accompanied by an itching and a slight burning with urination, which indicates it could be a yeast infection. 

Since you just got your period, yeast infection cream might not be very fun to apply/deal with while managing tampons and pads and such. If you wanted, you could get a yeast infection urine test at a clinic or at your doctors, and they can screen it for a UTI, yeast infection, or other bacterial infections. This is helpful because an untreated bacterial infection can cause a lot of issues, such as a UTI, which can impact kidney function and your bladder, etc. 

I hope this helps! 🙂❤️ 

Feel better!




Thanks. I picked up some azo pills today that said it treats the symptoms of a yeast infection. There were white clumps like discharge but as soon as I got my period I haven’t seen the white clumps the burning is still there (very mild). I didn’t know if a yeast infection could go away that quickly. It was very strange. I figured I’d take this pills for a couple more days once the burning/itchy completely goes away. I have a pretty good pain tolerance so the itching/burning is incredibly mild…to the point I wasn’t sure if it was in my mind or not 🤦🏾‍♀️ 

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That's good! Hopefully the pills reduce the burning. If it is a yeast infection, staying away from sugars helps too, as sugar feeds the yeast overgrowth. A tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar before bed also helps! (It's literally horrid but it does the trick!)

Also, did you notice any odd odor simultaneous to the discharge? 

Pain is subjective, so definitely pain can be confusing and a high pain tolerance can make us doubt if we are actually having something going on! Regardless, it is good that you are aware of your body and if something seems out of the ordinary.

I hope you feel better!! ☺️ If things get worse or the discharge comes back after your period, a call to the OBGYN may be of use. 

Sending blessings and happy healthy energy your way!! ☺️❤️🌄


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