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I've been doing a lot of reading recently and have found some hopeful stuff.
In teh advent of the Covid vaccines, this has been a boost to HSV vaccine development. My main hope is in the mRNA vaccines. But again it is only hope. Nothing definite.

There is a human trial aimed for early 2022 after positive results from mice and (I think) hamsters or gerbels.

Does anyone know, assuming all goes well, how long the process would be between stage 1 trials and commercial release. Covid vaccines were very fast with an advantage of a huge pool or trial candidates and massive investment. But I read one of the knock on affects of this was a faster process for other vaccines now. Things have definitely changed post covid and at least in one way, for the better.
Has anyone else read this, or been following this stuff. Anyone more educated than me got any considered opinions/projections on time frames?

Thanks as ever.

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I hope you are well 🌄.

Yes, I have also read scientific journals discussing the impact of hypothetical HSV vaccines on mice (animal testing is so sad though 🥺 RIP, mice friends 🐁❤️🐀).

The COVID vaccine was distributed to the public because of emergency approval by the FDA, however the Pfizer vaccine was just approved by the USA's FDA (yay!) 

I would imagine that the emergency distribution wouldn't occur again unless another pandemic or epidemic were to occur (God forbid), so I doubt they would release the possible trials of HSV vaccines to the public.

COVID has definitely raised more awareness about the ability of viruses, such as HSV, to become resilient to drugs and vaccines. Perhaps with all of the scientific data obtained throughout the pandemic, doctors and scientists and virologist will examine not only the impacts of vaccines and medication on the awakening/worsening of dormant or active HSV, and the techniques that can be used to develop vaccines for viruses similar to COVID, and even vaccines for the herpesvirus family (such as HSV-1 AND 2!!) 

However, there may be clinical trials offered to people for some sort of compensation, however before engaging in that, a lawyer and your doctor should examine the contract and trial experiment paperwork prior to signing for anything. Always gotta be aware and on the lookout for quacks!! (Sad but true, and no offense to ducks 🦆).

I hope this helps. Honestly,medical journals are so hard for non-medical folks to interpret. However, I will keep my eyes out for any scientific studies out there and share them with you!! 

Stay well ☺️

Blessings! 🌄


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