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STD dating apps?

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I brought this up in another thread but the discussion didn’t get too far… 

I think it would be amazing to find “the one” and have them be in the same boat as me. 

im extremely paranoid about posting pictures or personal info on any given std site/app which makes it even more difficult. 

anyway, does anyone have any recommendations or can share experiences about std dating sites? 

I know it’s a long shot but I like to explore all options. Not an easy position to be in 😢

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I hope you are doing well. 

Definitely, I know what you mean. Posting a picture of yourself on a herpes dating website or an STI website basically is saying "GREETINGS, I HAVE HERPES AND THIS IS MY IDENTITY."  However, I don't know why someone without herpes would be on a herpes dating website to begin with, or why someone without an STI or someone who isn't accepting of an STI would be on the site in the first place either.

I have never been on a dating website specific for those with HSV/another STI. I have tried online dating via PlentyofFish and some other site a few times... and it was just not my cup of tea. AT ALL. 

Remember that you can find love online AND in person, too! The right person won't be shyed away by your common virus. Have high hopes and hold your head high! ❤️ Don't sell yourself short. The right human is out there for you!! 🙂 




STD-only dating is a form of pre-rejection. If I stuck with STD-only dating, I would have never met my wife. Because I would have made the choice to take myself out of the “regular folk” dating pool without giving her the choice through disclosing.

I don’t want to pop-poo it altogether though. STD-only dating certainly has its place as a warmup to getting yourself back out into the world of dating in general … just don’t get stuck there! 

Here’s an article about this:

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:


I started on a STI dating site when I first started dating after my divorce. I agree with @mr_hopp that it is a good warm up to dating overall after a diagnosis. I revisited one last year and noticed a lot of people choosing to wear their masks in their photos, so that is an option. You may even be able to express your boundaries in your profile that someone not request additional pictures if they don't have pictures, so it feels more equitable. It may start off as an uneasy feeling but once you see the support of others on the site or talk to some people, it could become more comfortable. I think the one i used was Positive Singles. 

Best of luck,



Thank you all. For me, it wouldn’t be the ONLY means of finding someone. Just one of the few options I have. 

I am HORRIBLE with introducing myself and flirting with girls in person. Way too shy and the opportunities almost never present themselves. So that route seems almost impossible, but if it happens it happens. 

on a few regular dating sites now but those are a crap shoot as well. 

I just figured it would be ideal to meet someone with HSV right out of the gate but am extremely skeptical about putting information online like that.

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Hi again! 

Oh my gosh, no. Some women love shy men, because they are often more respectful than some sassy smooth talkers. Shyness is okay!! Embrace it! 🌄

Stay strong. The dating game is hard for everyone. Have self-respect and a kind confidence and all else will fall into place. 


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On 8/28/2021 at 7:41 PM, Flowerteacher55 said:

Hi again! 

Oh my gosh, no. Some women love shy men, because they are often more respectful than some sassy smooth talkers. Shyness is okay!! Embrace it! 🌄

Stay strong. The dating game is hard for everyone. Have self-respect and a kind confidence and all else will fall into place. 


Yeah but we’re invisible ☹️

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Noo!! Just because someone doesn't see your greatness doesn't mean you don't have greatness!! It's like, when a tree falls in a forest, it still makes a sound. 

So, from an educational perspective... in the US, about 75% of students in the classroom are extroverted. 25% are introverted. Because introverts are in the minority here, they are often seen as oddballs and are pressured to conform to extrovertism. However, that isn't right! Introverts and those who are more reserved or quiet aren't wrong or bad for being the way they are, it's just in relativity to the rest of people they are seen as different, and sadly, some people associate different with 'bad'. Those aren't folks who you should be with, anyway!! 

Stay strong!! 


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