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Fingering and oral with an active outbreak?

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So little story here, I have hsv2 genitally. I told this guy about 4 years ago. I think he forgot because when we were making out he fingered me and kept pushing for sex. We didn’t have sex but I have an open sore down there right now. He fingered me and then I gave oral. Well he touched his dick two times while I gave oral, a few minutes after he fingered me. He only touched his penis for a few seconds. And later he touched his mouth. So I guess my question is, how likely he to get hsv2? He actually licked his finger. So I reallt would like to know because I’m freaking out. This sore has been here for about a week and it’s almost gone.

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Okay, I can respond now!!! ☺️

So, that is a great question. 

There are a few factors that could affect the likely or infection, such as the healing stages the sore was in during the time of intimacy, if he touched the sore, and if you were experiencing any symptoms that would indicate more viral shedding (tingling or burning or itching, fever, etc). 

It is possible to pass HSV through fingering and licking a hand that touched a sore, since HSV passes through skin to skin contact. 

Also, I wanted to clarify that I am not a medical professional. However, I am going to tag one! @Ebelskiver

If it helps you feel at ease, you could remind him about having herpes, and that you did have a sore last time you were intimate. It might be scary to bring it up to him, but I'm sure he cares about his health and would want to be aware in case symptoms arise for him. 

The fact that you were intimate while you had a sore means the likelihood of transmission is more than if you didn't have a sore, especially an open or unhealed one. 

Also, you mentioned he kept pressing for sex. No means no. He should have respected your answer the first time you declined. Remember that you are a blessing who deserves to be respected and valued! ❤️ Don't ever let someone pressure you into anything you aren't 100% okay with. Your opinion matters and your choices are YOURS to make!! 🌄

Stay strong!! Sending blessings and positive energy your way! 

-- Grace

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  • mr_hopp changed the title to Fingering and oral with an active outbreak?

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