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How did I get this!? Without sex or oral!?

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I'm going through my second outbreak. The first one was almost 2 years ago. I tested positive for HSV 1. But I have not been sexually active with anyone when the first outbreak happened.  I don't understand. 


Hello! 🙂 

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. That must be so stressful. Please know you are not alone, and you are a good person! Herpes doesn't change that at all. 

When you had the outbreak, did you have sex/intimate contact before the outbreak? If not right before, how long before was the contact before the outbreak?

The test you were talking about, what test was it? Was it a swab test or a blood yest? 

Herpes is an odd thing, since it lays dormant and pops back up when it is triggered (usually by stress, hormones, etc). I also have GHSV-1, and it is less common for outbreaks to occur. I have had HSV-1 for 3 years now and have only had one other outbreak since my original one. 

Also, does your husband have HSV-1 or 2? Hypothetically you can always get a second strain of the virus if your partner has it. I saw you mentioned that your situation is impacting your marriage, and for that I am so sorry. Please know that nothing can come between love, especially not a common virus! It will be okay. We are all here for you! ❤️ 





The test was a swab and blood test. It showed 4.10 positive on the hsv 1 results. The results say it was a a relatively new infection.  We've been married 9 years.  I have  ot been with anyone else for over 11/12 years. Could I have gotten this that long ago and not have ever shown till 20 months ago? I belive her when she says she has not been with anyone either.  

She is awaiting on results for her hsv1 test.

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Okay, thanks for the information.

Hypothetically, your partner could have given it to you! Sometimes, people who are married and have been exclusive for many years never transmit their HSV to their partner. Sometimes, people transmit it right away, and others transmit it at some random stage! 

Try not to let emotions get in the way of the medical things. HSV-1 is very common, and it is possible to have it and not know it (asymptomatic) or have it but never noticed or identified the sores. 

It is wonderful that you both trust one another ❤️ Keep that trust and you can get through anything! 

Stay well.



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