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Burning 🔥

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Does anyone know how to stop the burning in your genitals? This is the worse part for me.. It burns before and after an outbreak.. Im fortunate my outbreaks aren't bad but the prodrome is killing me! I am not on meds.. too afraid of messing up my kidneys

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I am so sorry that you have been experiencing such burning. That is terrible! 😞 

Is the burning from your skin or is it neurological?

If it's on the skin, ice can help. Having a spray body of ice water and then misting the area can help, too. Avoid any soaps or products that would increase irritation, and avoid non-breathable clothing (spandex, for example). 

If it's neurological burning (like its coming from inside, not the skin) you can also try icing the area. You could also take an over the counter pain reliever, although you mentioned that you want to avoid taking too many of these (which is true, too many can indeed cause organ issues). 

I hope this helps! We are here for you!

Sending blessings of healing and happiness your way! 🙂❤️ 

-- Grace


Thanks for the suggestions everyone.. that's what I've been doing .. the Ibuprofen .. just crazy how long this is lasting.. this is only my 2nd time noticing an outbreak.. the only silver lining in this is its my 2nd .... the first was more noticeable.. but this once i barely can see anything.. just 1 tiny sore that could easily be missed .. its so sneak that it pisses me off...  I have antivirals from my doc now , so I'm praying that it goes into its hole again .. the first time 9 years .. praying for the minimum of 18 years this time 🙂 ... I just pray that my partner doesn't have anything.. its killing me because I didn't tie the prodrome together until after we engaged in sex. SMH....  

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I hope you are feeling better today! 

Ugh, yes, 'sneaky' is the perfect word to describe H. 'Sassy,' 'bothersome,' and 'annoying,' are my other top words haha.

It's great that you have antivirals. Things should start to clear up 🙂 

If your partner did contract it, it isn't your fault. You didn't even realize it was prodrome, especially since these symptoms weren't like the first time! Just tell your partner to be aware for any prodrome symptoms. It will be okay ❤️ I'm sure that you feel guilty or ashamed, but let those feelings go. Love is so powerful, and I am sure your partner understands ❤️ 


-- Grace


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