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Constant for years

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I am posting again to see if anyone new has any advice . I have had burning , swelling , sensitivity, tiny cuts , and nerve pain DAILY for about 6 years straight now . Nothing gives relief . Have tried vitamins , cutting out foods , yeast infection treatments, bv treatments, random creams , steroids , estrogen cream and antivirals . All std tests clear except positive hsv1 .The antivirals seem to work I think .. I just started trying them again after the steroids stopped working . So we will see .. does anyone know if this is herpes why in the hell my body can’t suppress it? I talked to Terri warren and she said that hsv 1 would never cause this. This has been ruining my life for years and I need to know if anyone has experienced this and figured out why their body had this reaction. I met one other girl on here with the same issue and we have been trying to figure out … thanks guys . 

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I am so sorry to hear about your six-year struggle. That truly sounds so terrible, and I cannot even imagine the frustration that this has caused. Please know that there is hope! You are not alone ❤️.

It's great that you've consulted Terri Warren. She's amazing!! While it is super unlikely for GHSV-1 to cause such extreme effects, it could be post-herpetic neuralgia, and/or you could have some underlying health condition that is causing your body to not have an immune buildup response to the virus. The tiny cuts and constant burning and tingling indicate that your body is having neurological and perhaps even an inflammatory response, which could be linked to the virus. Did you notice if this has been constant since contracting HSV, or did all the symptoms start a year after, etc? 

Have you consulted a virologist or an immunologist? Your body may be having a hard time handling the virus, especially if you have an underlying autoimmune illness. 

I hope this helps. I am praying for you and all other experiencing these painful constant symptoms. There is hope! ❤️🌄





Thank you so much for your response . I am not sure exactly when I contracted hsv so I’m not sure , I have had weird symptoms for even years before that .. like before the pain started I had a cut that didn’t heal for 3 years down there . Very very bizarre. I think you are right and maybe I have an autoimmune issue . I have ms in my family along with arthritis. I will go to the doctor and ask for autoimmune testing along with being referred to a specialist. It is all so bizarre . I really wish I was one of the lucky ones that either don’t know they have it or have very rare symptoms . 

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Wow, a cut that didn't heal for three years really is an unusual situation. Chronic wounds are sometimes caused by other illnesses, so getting tested could explain why the healing took so long. Have other cuts on your body ever taken that long to heal, or just that particular cut?

Autoimmune testing is a great idea. Two of my aunts have MS, and it is actually very hard to diagnose and is easy to miss, so it could be possible you have it, especially since it is in your family history! Typically, getting a spinal tap would show MS and many other autoimmune illnesses. May your tests go well! ❤️ Stay strong and keep us updated! 

Sending prayers and blessings your way ❤️!

-- Grace 



So starting about 3 days ago I have had swelling , redness and itching . I started taking valtrex 3 days ago , 1 gram the first day , 2 grams the second and 1.5 gram the 3rd .. I woke up this morning still with the same symptoms. I have decided I will do the autoimmune testing , start a strong probiotic and try to overhaul my Health. I’m not even sure that this is the herpes causing my symptoms all I know is my body is very inflamed . Any more responses will be greatly appreciated 

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I am so sorry about the swelling and itching and redness. That sounds like an inflammatory response, which could be caused by an autoimmune issue. It's good you have started the Valtrex as a precaution, since if it is herpes related it might help. However, you said you get this itching and redness every few months; it is accompanied by herpes sores or anything else? 

Sending prayers of health your way! 🌄

-- Grace 

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