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HSV for a lifetime?

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I once read about the hsv virus having no cure, but that it dies naturally after 10 or 15 years. This according to an infectious disease specialist. However, I did not identify research sources that talked about this. Do any of you know of any research that indicates that after years of latency, the virus's life cycle comes to an end?



This is a great question. I am going to do some research on this and get back to you ASAP! However, what I do know is that herpes can lay dormant for many years and eventually a person may have no outbreaks. In addition, I know that herpes antibodies can actually reduce when someone doesn't have outbreaks for a very long time. However, since the virus is for life, just because someone doesn't have outbreaks doesn't mean the virus isn't in their system anymore. I don't think the virus can 100% be gone from someone's body since viruses technically aren't alive and therefore cannot die (kinda freaky to think about!) 

I am going to do research and get back to you! Thank you so much for asking this question, as I am sure others have wondered the same thing!! 

Sending blessings of happiness and health your way! 🌄

-- Grace

  • Thanks 1

Thanks for answering me. I really don't know how the "life" or "death" virus works, if at all possible. I will await your reply. 💕

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I hope you are well. I have done some research! 

All reliable sources I have found all say the same thing: herpes is not curable and lives forever in your body. However, some research shows that for some people, the likelihood of transmission can reduce as time passes, since many people have fewer outbreaks as time passes (for example, someone may have 1 outbreak a month the first two years they have herpes, but after that they may have only 1 outbreak every six months, and then eventually one outbreak a year, and then perhaps 1 outbreak every few years, etc). So, because they have fewer outbreaks, they have less of a chance of transmitting it to a partner. (Note: this is referring to symptomatic folks, not asymptomatic folks!).

Check out an article that talks about the reduced-shedding of GHSV-2 as time passes, here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3058740/

However, I found this really awesome article by Yale's School of Medicine, called "Outsmarting Herpes," and it talks about the factors that influence contracting herpes, not just the virus itself, but the composition of our skin tissues! It also talks about how scientists are trying to create immunizations to basically give the body's immune system HSV antibodies! It's super cool. Check it out here: https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/outsmarting-herpes-researchers-use-the-bodys-natural-defenses-to-stop-outbreaks/

I hope this helps! Sending blessings to you! 🙂 

- grace


Thank you so much, Grace. You really are so kind and helpful. Unfortunately, this is bad news. But I'm grateful to have access to the information. 

If it's not bothersome, I have a doubt: when I tell my partner, the ideal is for him to take the test. But should I ask him to go to the urologist or what kind of doctor? 


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Of course! I'm happy to help!

When you tell him, yes, it would be good for him to be tested. If he is showing symptoms/sores, he can go to any reproductive/sexual health clinic for a swab test. 

However, since it seems he gave it to you, he likely would test positive on an IgG blood test. Some reproductive/sexual health clinics take blood, but often times you may need to go to a lab or doctor's office. Many places refuse to do blood tests because HSV is so common, but if you/him really push for it (even he could say, "I have to know because my partner has underlying health conditions (God forbid ❤️!) and cannot get HSV, we are trying for a baby, etc") I mean, is lying wrong? Of course. But you know what else is wrong? Not being able to be tested for HSV. You and him should advocate for your health, always! 🙂 

I hope this helps! 



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  • mr_hopp changed the title to HSV for a lifetime?

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