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I think I gave my girlfriend hsv2

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Hi everyone, I am new here. I recently had sex with my girlfriend For the first time, I meant to talk to her before but things got so hot so fast and next thing you know it was too late. I don’t have any open sores but she has definitely got symptoms like headaches fatigue upset stomach. I am so upset I have no idea what to do here how to help her. Has anyone ever gone through this?

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I am so sorry about the situation. You didn't mean any harm. Have you told her you have it? If not, I reccomend doing so. Relationships to be built on trust and respect. 

You can help her by being emotionally supportive. If she's upset, validate her emotions. If she just needs someone there, be that person. If she isn't well enough to cook, cook for you both and just be there for her. Be the person you wish you had when you first found out you had HSV! 

Also, she may not have contracted it. She could just have a flu or a cold (or covid, hypothetically but I really hope not!!). If she starts showing sores, she should get a swab test within 48 hours (the sooner, the better!!). Otherwise she can wait 12+ weeks and get an IgG blood test.

Stay well! Be kind to yourself. It will be okay. 




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