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Swollen groin lymph nodes in first episode of herpes

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 I was reading several forums here and ended up reading one that talked about having hsv2 and not having symptoms. We know that many virus carriers are asymptomatic.

But a doubt arose: the first herpes infection has a very characteristic picture of pain, itching, headache, fever, myalgia and swollen lymph nodes.

I read that this change in the groin lymph nodes suggests that something is different and the body is trying to fight it. This may suggest that the body is unaware of the herpes virus And it's trying to create antibodies (right?).

So my question is if having swollen lymph nodes in the groin is a condition that only occurs in the first infection, that is, As soon as a person comes in contact with the virus for the first time, or it is also possible to have swollen nodes in a non-primary infection.

If swollen lymph nodes only occur in recent infections, it would be possible, in some cases, to know when you were infected.

Has anyone here had swollen lymph nodes in the groin in the first episode of herpes and ALSO in a recurrence?


Grateful for the support, in advance. 

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This is a great question. 

In general, swollen lymph nodes indicate your body is fighting an infection or illness of some sort. Some people get swollen lymph nodes (in the neck area usually) every time they get the flu, for example, and some do not. The same goes for herpes! 

According to Stanford health, primary infections are usually most severe, and include swollen groin lymph nodes, but, "symptoms of later outbreaks are usually limited to blisters, sores, and swollen lymph nodes," and of course itching and burning and/or tingling, which I do not know why the article didn't mention those three elements!! Here is the article if you wanted to check it out:h ttps://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/sexual-and-reproductive-health/genital-herpes/symptoms.html

The first time you notice the lymph node swelling, skin irritation, flu-like symptoms, and/or all other primary infection symptoms is when you can tell when your first outbreak was/when you were most likely infected. Yes, it is hard to pinpoint exactly the time you were infected, but with general piecing together of evidence it can be pretty well hypothesized!! 

Stay well and be kind to yourself! 🌼

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