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Hello so this is my first time and I found it odd how I got it cause me and my man who have been with for 15 years and he swear he didn’t have anything with someone and neither did I and we just got this on Monday☹️ But also has anyone have their period while having this it’s so painful like I feel like the period isn’t letting the bumps heal or is it? Has anyone had this problem and can help me I’ve been so depressed I haven’t been able to walk right or sit I’ve been home ever since I went to the hospital on Thursday someone please tell me this gets better, also how long did it take for yours to heal?

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I am so sorry that you've been under such emotional and physical stress. I cannot even imagine how it felt to contract this after 15 years of exclusive marriage! 

Herpes can lay dormant, partners can be asymptomatic and/or may not have frequent outbreaks, or by chance you never contracted it until recently! Regardless, please know that everything will be okay. ❤️

Do you know if your husband has been tested to see what type he has, and/or have you been tested to see what type you have? If this is a primary infection, you'll need to wait 12+ weeks from the date of when you first noticed the symptoms to get an IgG blood test to determine the type of HSV you have. 

In terms of periods and herpes... It can be just terrible. When I had my first outbreak of GHSV-1, I had my period and a sinus infection, and I was just such a mess. Sores can be irritated by urine (it's acidic so it burns sores) and period discharge and blood can irritate sores because it can stick to them, and wiping hurts sores in general. If it helps, you can urinate in the shower and let the water clean off down there so you don't need to wipe the period blood. Also, I do not necessarily reccomend using tampons while having an outbreak, as sores can actually be inside the vaginal cavity. Pads may cause additional chafing for the sores, however. You may have to try different pads or liners and see what is most comfortable for you. Or, if you get a very light period, you can choose a pair of underwear that you don't really like and make it your "period undies" and not wear a pad with those to help prevent chafing of sores. Will they stain? Of course. But it's better than dealing with the pain from period supplies, especially if your period is light enough that you do not need to use supplies. 

Another thing is that period hormones can actually trigger herpes outbreaks, especially for those with HSV-2. 

I hope this helps. Please know that you aren't alone, and that we are all here to support you and answer any questions you may have. 

Stay well and be kind to yourself! You can make it through this! 🌄

Sending Blessings of health and happiness your way 💐!!

-- Grace


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