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Dont know how to navigate touching with wife

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Just recently shown i was positive for both.  Type 1 and 2..is that even possible?..and 2nd..does this mean I can never kiss my wife again on the mouth with out transmitting it to her?..amd im not trying to be funny...but can i still suckle her breast..im just not sure what to do other than coming short of wraping my self up in full latex suit..

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I'm so sorry that you just found all this out. I cannot even imagine how overwhelming it must feel. Please know it will be okay. HSV is NOT stronger than the love you and your wife share. 

Yes, you can have both types of HSV. Typically, you'll have them on different regions; you can get both types in the same region but it's very rare. 

The fact that you showed positive on it for an IgG means both types have been in your body for at least 12 weeks. It is possible to have HSV and not know you have it (called being asymptomatic). If you have had symptoms and outbreak(s), but have only noticed sores on one region of your body, it's possible you had sores on the other region and didn't realize it was HSV. 

I am pretty sure that if you are symptomatic for one strain, you would be for the other. I do not know if it's possible to be asymptomatic to one strain while being symptomatic to another (if this IS possible, this would explain if you have never had sores or symptoms on one region of your body).

Also, It's very possible you have had both types of HSV and haven't known until that test. If you have had HSV for years, and you've been with your wife for years, it seems you haven't passed it to your wife, which is great! 

If you or your wife are worried, you can take daily suppressive medication which help reduce likelihood of shedding and therefore transmission. 

I hope this helps. Rest assured, I'm sure your wife understands and is supportive. Remember that love is stronger than the fears we have about H. It will be all be alright ☀️

Sending positivity your way!


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