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Herpes Testing Question.

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I recently have had, what I think, is my first herpes outbreak. I have never been tested for herpes before but my symptoms seem very similar to that of herpes. The outbreak happened three days after having intercourse with my most recent partner who has no symptoms. He had gotten a blood test and it came back negative. If I have had herpes for a while but just now had an outbreak, is it possible that a blood test could still be effective for me? Or is it too soon to test?

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I am so sorry you are experiencing your first outbreak. 

To help with the pain, you can fill a spray bottle with ice water and mist it over the sores (this especially helps when going to the bathroom, in case that is an issue). Lysine cream also can help the sores heal and reduces pain, since it creates a barrier between the sores and clothes (which can cause friction).

Have you gotten it swabbed? If not, and it's been less than 48 hours, go to a clinic or your doctor for a swab test, where they swab one of the sores and test it for HSV. If it's been more than 48 hours, you can still get a swab, it's just less likely to be accurate. 

Do you know what type of test your partner had, and when? A regular STI panel doesn't test for HSV, so if he's basing not having HSV off that, that wouldn't support his claim. 

If he had a blood test, was it an IgG or IgM test, and when did he get this test done? Also, has he ever been intimate with someone who has HSV?

If you need any support, feel free to reach out. We are here to support you! It will be okay! ☀️🌻



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