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Disclosure in person or text?

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This is my first post here so bear with me y’all!   I am GHSV2 for context. So I’ve re-entered the dating realm and have had mixed reactions during disclosure. Some good even if they say no, they are respectful at least. People who literally don’t even care, but they weren’t suitable as a partner in other ways, And people who just go *POOF* after disclosing. I have a prewritten script to start the conversation, and it’s made it easier for me to get up the courage to do it regardless of how it turns out. I find that sometimes, I use it as a way to weed people out too. I guess my question is when does it get easier?! Lol 

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Yes, I completely understand! I totally have had the same experience... Some are respectful and say yes, some are respectful although they say no, some are just plain rude, and others 'magically' disappear 😂.

You are totally right in that disclosure acts as a filter! It definitely has helped me see who people really are -- I get to see how they treat others, if they are judgemental or rude, if they are only interested in me for physical reasons, etc. 

It gets easier the more we love and accept ourselves. When we are confident and hold our heads high, we don't base our self worth off of the reactions of others, and this creates a less-stressful disclosure experience. Before disclosing, or before being with anyone or meeting someone, say to yourself, "The way people react to me and treat me I a reflection of THEM. My worth is not determined by the way people treat me. I deserve respect. I am loved. I am beautiful. I am strong." Or add in other mantras that help! 

I hope this helps! 

Stay well ☀️


- grace

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to put it in my online dating profile just to see how it goes. I just put "I aquired hvs2 at age 23, feel free to ask me about it."   I'm new to online dating as well as dating in general as I was married 25 years to a herpes negative man who passed away almost 2 years ago. I always just disclosed my status prior to meeting my husband and really had no problems. I have decided to use this approach to see how it goes and to weed out people......they can just keep scrolling if not interested! I have been on the dating site almost a month and have had 3 men who are interested. Of the 3, I met two. One is extremely nice, but no chemistry the other one I really like and we are going on our 3rd date tonight! Both of these men knew a lot about herpes and basically just asked questions and in the end, wanted to continue dating. I take very good care of myself and am into weight traing (20 years now) which really helps me with confidence (I am very comfortable in my own skin) and takes care of any undue stress! We'll see how things unfold! Prior to computers lol....40 years ago. I waited until I felt a mutual attraction and knew things were trending towards a  more affectionate relationship 

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