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Pain and pressure sensation in the genitals

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Hello everybody. I had my primary infection just over two months ago. since then, I haven't had the familiar herpes blisters or sores. But sometimes I feel a sense of pressure and pain throughout the vulva. I also notice a white discharge that was also present in my first infection. Does anyone else feel that way? Could this be an outbreak? Maybe an internal outbreak? I remember that on the worst days of the first outbreak I felt this pressure and pain too. It is common?



I'm so sorry you're feeling that pressure and pain. Those two symptoms and the discharge do sound like it could be an outbreak, or the start of one. How long have these symptoms been going on? 

I hope you feel better! 🌈🦋!


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Another note: it's really frustrating, because I keep researching and none of these sources mention internal 'pressure' after a herpes outbreak. This is annoying because obviously it's a thing since so many people mention it as a symptom!! I will keep researching, and I will call the University of Washington's HSV Virology clinic (the people who do Western Blot testing) and ask them about it! I'll let you @Km_girl @Stayingpositive3 know what they say!

Sending happy healing prayers to you both 🌟🌈🦋!

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Thank you both for your answers. It's really annoying because it's clearly something I only started to feel after I got infected. However, I correct that the pressure is not internal. It's actually all over the vulva, just like the pain sensation. Internal is just white secretion. They happen eventually. I still haven't noticed if there's a specific time frame, maybe once or twice a month. Usually the pain and pressure last for a few hours, but the discharge can stay for days.

Thank you Grace for taking the time to ask the clinic about this!Thank you Grace for taking the time to ask the clinic about this!

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