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Unsure whether i will give herpes to my baby through breastfeeding

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Hi Everyone,

Its my first time posting here. I have been living with genital hsv1 herpes for the past 2 years now. My partner has hsv1 on the mouth. I m expecting my first baby in February next month. I have started suppressive treatment to reduce the chances of having an outbreak during childbirth. Would it be ok for me to breastfeed my baby? .I have never had an outbreak or sore on my breast but just on my genitals...so many people say when you start breastfeeding your breasts may get sore and i fear spreading the virus to my baby via breastfeeding cracks or sores....anyone who has gone through what i am going through? Please share with me your experiences? 

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Congratulations on your first baby 🐥🍼!!  That is such a blessing ❤️

It is so great that you are already caring for the health of your baby, but please it's extremely unlikely to transmit HSV via breast milk! HSV is not a blood-bourne illness, such as HIV/AIDS, so it does not infect the blood plasma and other body-produced fluids such as milk. This is why people with herpes can still donate blood.

However, if there is a sore on the breast, then stop breast feeding immediately until the sore is fully gone. Here is an article from the CDC regarding HSV and breastfeeding: https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/maternal-or-infant-illnesses/herpes.html

I hope this helps!! Congratulations again! 🍼🌟❤️


I breast feed my baby& have Ghsv2  ! She’s 7 weeks and thriving ! If you have genital herpes then it’s only transmittable from the genitals! 

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