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Full Body Neuropathy? What is happening

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My whole body is buzzing, it started randomly 3 months ago in my tailbone area and now it’s in my feet, legs, hands, arms, pubic area, and now my mouth. I’m lost and I don’t know what to do 😞

Im in the Uk so no one will give me a blood test to even confirm hsv2 even though I’m positive I have it. Me & my partner are both asymptotic and use protection so how the hell is this happening to me? Could it be something else? How can herpes cause this? I’ve barely had any outbreaks and now it feels like my whole body and nervous system is damaged. I’ve been referred to see a Neurologist but it could be a year wait and in the meantime I’ve just been left with no answers and I’m scared. 3 months ago I was happy and healthy and I’ve had herpes since 2020, so why now? Im not even joking my whole body is buzzing 24/7, I’m having suicidal thoughts at this rate. Can someone please help? 😞



I am so sorry you are experiencing this extreme neurological response. I cannot even imagine how distracting and painful that must be. Please know that there is hope. You are no a lost cause. The world needs you. You deserve to live. Suicide is never the answer. If you ever need immediate support, call the UK Helpline at 800 689 5652, or call the Samaritans at 116 123. 

I am from the US, so I am not totally familiar with the social services of the UK, however are there social workers or places where you could go to talk to someone who could advocate for you to see a neurologist sooner than one year? The Samaritans have an online chat accessible here: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/

perhaps of you told them your story they could help you see a doctor sooner. 

You are not alone. There are so many folks who struggle with extreme neurological symptoms. There are injections and other solutions to neurology issues (my Aunt has MS and she has constant thinking and burning everywhere on her body, and believe it or not Botox and other injections have helped, however a neurologist would be able to tell you if that would work for you!) Also, a spinal tap would be a great test to have done as well. 

I am praying for you ❤️. The love you and your partner have is a resource to rely on in times of need, too. It's okay to lean on your partner for support ❤️.

Please direct message me if you need support or a friend to talk to. 

Sending blessings and prayers your way 🌻

-- grace

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