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Is this herpes ? Back of leg?

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This is on the back of my leg right before it bends here is a couple of pictures any thoughts ? And yes this is the 3rd time it has came back in less then 6 months 

And if this is herpes how did it end up here ? What type of herpes ? Any idea untill I get a doctor appointment?







I hope you are doing well.

I am so sorry you are experiencing this rash. Please know that everything will be alright. We are here to support you however you need!

Although people typically think of HSV as occuring in the mouth or on the genitals, HSV can pop up anywhere close to the region that has the infection. So, for the collective term gential HSV, people may experience outbreaks in the inner thighs, thighs, lower back, and buttocks. It all depends on the person, and not even on the actual gential parts. So, the name genital HSV refers to that whole region (which now that I think about it perhaps we should be more specific and not always use the general all encompassing term 'gential' HSV if someone doesn't have genital symptoms). 

Anyways, I digress!  

From the photos you shared, those could very well be HSV sores. Was the scabbing picture taken after the non-scab picture? If so, that sounds like potential HSV, since HSV sores typically go through a healing cycle of pinkish or reddish blisters that ooze, then crust over and scab and eventually fall off. 

Also, have you had any symptoms such as burning, itching, tingling, or oozing from the spots on your thigh? If so, did you also have these during the first and second outbreaks in the past 6 months?

When did you notice the first outbreak? What happened right before (where you with a new partner, etc)?

I hope this helps!

Sending blessings your way! 

  • Like 1

Yes the scab looking one is when it’s trying to heal and this has Happened in the same spot . Also the 3rd time in 6months the same rash has came up  . I would say slightly itchy but not a lot but no they do not hurt . It is just in a weird spot because it’s down where my leg bends so I was very confused but also the first thing I thought when I seen it was herpes so I’m very unsure .

thank you so much for your help 

so let’s say it is herpes . Is it almost safe to say because the spot it’s located I could cover it with a bandaid and this would be a little more less chances of spreading it to someone else because the location is not gential ?

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Okay. Yes so since it return, has an itch, and scabs, it could be HSV.

Getting a swab test of the spot within the first 48 hours of when it comes back would be a great idea. You also could get an IgG blood test to see if you have HSV and if it is HSV-1 or HSV-2. You could also get a referral to see a dermatologist if you would like. 

If this is HSV... Since it is in a non-sexual location, bandaging it/covering it with one of those large patch band aids would perhaps be a good idea if you chose to be intimate while having an outbreak. However, it is still a good idea to disclose to a partner that it could hypothetically spread to them, even though it is not on your genitals. Before being intimate, make sure you are your partner feel comfortable taking any possible risk associated with intimacy during an outbreak, even an outbreak on the leg. 

I hope this helps! 🌻 Stay strong!



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So I actually went back in my records back in 2014 and I seen this and I’m not sure how to read this ? (If anyone or you  can explain in a straight forward way I would appreciate it, is this a yes or no I have had it?) this was done a week  before I had my son in 2014 they actually tested me for this and I just now realized it .  the thing is never have they mentioned anything of me having herpes (you would think they would right? )


but if I’m looking at this correctly this is showing I have herpes correct? And I wonder why they wouldn’t tell me this? Also I never have seen anything till now 

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First off, it is completely medically unprofessional for no one to have explained your results to you! 😾

This is also a shock because usually if someone who is about to give birth has HSV-2, doctors talk to them and ask them if they are having a current outbreak, so they can possibly deliver the baby via cesarian delivery to prevent transmission. Or, if someone is pregnant, they take antivirals close to the delivery date to reduce the likelihood of having an outbreak during delivery. 

I am so sorry that you have had to do all the researching and finding out for yourself. However, it's awesome that you looked back in your records to find answers. Keeping records is a really important thing to do, especially for your health! 

Your positive IgG count was 9.77, which falls in the positive range, which is 1.09 or higher. From this lab sheet, it says you do have HSV-2. 

What's interesting is they did an IgM and an IgG test.  The IgM combination I/II score came back slightly above the positive range, which indicates a recent infection. However IgM antibodies typically don't result in positive scores if IgM scores are so high. IgM antibodies occur right after initial infection and then decline in number as IgG antibodies build up. 

You could call the lab agency and ask them to explain these results to you; since everything is digitalized now, they should definitely have a copy of these records to examine and explain to you. Personally, I would also call the doctor who requested this work and ask them why the heck they didn't tell me I had H and give them a piece of my mind, but that's just me 😂!

I am sorry that you found out this way, and I am so sorry that doctors didn't tell you you had it when you were originally tested. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!! 

Blessings! 🌟🌻



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