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Constant herpes outbreaks since giving birth 9mths ago

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Seems like I'm getting OBs every 20 days .  I can't take much more . It's not just the OBs but the other symptoms like back pain and extreme fatigue it brings with it. I'm on antivirals lysine and lauricidin. I will admit the one I'm having now is really mild and I would have never even known I was having one but I'm super in tune with my body since having this. I've had hsv2 10 years and it seems like it is back with a vengeance since I've had my son. It is ruining my quality of life and mentally killing me.  I wish there was a pill that actually worked.  I can't take this anymore . It's affecting my ability to mother in the way I want to.  

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I am so sorry you are experiencing such physical and emotional stress. You don;t deserve that. Please know you are not alone. We are here for you! 

Congratulations on the birth of your son! ❤️ That is such a blessing.

I am so sorry the outbreaks have been so intense. Hormones can trigger outbreaks, and hormones change significantly after birth. If you have given birth recently, have you gone to an OBGYN? Perhaps a hormone-regulating birth control pill would help, if hormones are what's causing these outbreaks.  

If the antiviral you are taking doesn't seem to be helping, you could try another type of antiviral. If you are taking Acyclovir, for example, you could try Valcyclovir or Famciclovir. Maybe asking your doctor and even your OBGYN about this and seeing if they have any suggestions would help. 

Please know that there is hope. You can make it through this. It is not your fault, and you are not any less of a person or a mother for having these outbreaks. This may be interfering with your ability to function and mother, but please be kind to yourself ❤️. Acknowledge that you are doing the best you can with all this stress you have on your plate!

You don't need to go through this alone. There are many mommas on the forum here that have struggled, and they are happy and healthy and have overcame so much! The same is going to be true for you, I promise. 

If you need any support, please reach out and direct message me or post on the forum anytime. We are always here for you! 

Sending blessings and prayers your way ❤️ 


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Thank you Grace ❤️ I haven't had much luck with doctors. They've never been able to help me anymore than this group or a quick internet search. I will try acyclovir instead of valtrex. I just feel like valtrex has always worked for me in the past better than acyclovir. Also I just had bloodwork done checking my iron, thyroid , etc . I am going to make an OB appt to have my hormones checked and speak with them . Thanks again for the encouragement. 

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I'm so sorry doctors weren't helpful. I hope that your OB can provide support and get the lab tests ordered for you! If they seem unwilling, you can totally pressure them for the tests. Advocate for yourself! You are the patient! ❤️

Blessings! 🌟

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  • 5 weeks later...

@JessJunko Hello!

That is a great question.

Yes, there are topical solutions that can be applied to outbreaks in the genital region. Some are evaluated by the FDA, others (homeopathic ones) are NOT. So, make sure to choose products with caution and always consult your doctor before you use anything! 🙂 

Here are two!... (but there are many others!)

Zovirax Ointment: This ointment is a topical antivral. Read more about it here: https://www.rxlist.com/zovirax-ointment-drug.htm#description 

Femiclear (Homeopathic)This is not an antiviral ointment, but instead helps soothe the pain and itching of the sores, and has antibacterial properties as well. 

I hope this helps! 



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  • mr_hopp changed the title to Constant herpes outbreaks since giving birth 9mths ago
  • 1 year later...

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