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Please help, outbreak in different area

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Hi everyone,

I’ve know I’ve had gHsv2 for 3 years know. I’ve never had any outbreak in my genital area until 2 weeks ago. My breakout always came back in the same exactly spot ( on my lower back, above my butt). But 2 weeks ago I started feeling a really bad nerve pain in my butt then 2 days later I was looking down there and notice inside my anus was sooooo red, just looked really inflamed. I went to see my Ob and she said that it didn’t look like herpes but she’d to a culture just to make sure. Unfortunately it came positive for herpes and now I’m freaking out. Is it possible for the virus on my back spread to inside my butt? Is it possible for me to have any other outbreaks in another areas like my vagina? I never had anus sex so idk why after 3 years having this virus I had a breakout in there. Please help! Thank you 

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I hope you are doing okay! 

Please know that you are not alone. The situation you are describing is very common. When we have HSV in the lower region, it is very common for it to pop up at other location in the lower region. Since HSV 'lives' in the big nerve bundle at the base of the spine, outbreaks can occur at any of the neural pathways connected to the bundle. It's kind of like little tributaries that branch off one main lake. If you had an irritation on your anus area, it could have triggered an outbreak to occur there. So, you didn't infect that area with H, but instead it is likely stemming from the original H infection.

It is possible for you to have an outbreak at another location in the same general region, such as your genital parts. It won't happen for definite, but since there are neural pathways that branch off from the central nerve bundle to the genital parts, it is possible. 

I hope this helps! Every little thing is gonna be alright 🌻🌟 !!

Sending blessings and prayers your way 🕊️🌻!!

-- grace

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