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herpes and shaving

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good evening to all what do we know about herpes and shaving?
I have not shaved with a razor since I discovered herpes !!
Do you think shaving with a razor is best done when we do Suppressive therapy ?

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I hope you are well! 

This is a great question! 

For some people, shaving triggers outbreaks (since it causes skin irritation around the hair follicles, and razor burn can trigger outbreaks for some, too). However, for others, shaving does not bother them! It all really depends. I sadly have accidentally shaved over a sore (I didn't realize I had one at the time) and it hurt pretty bad (ouch!) so it took a lil longer to heal than I had hoped, but it didn't cause any issues! 🙂 

In general, shaving creates microscopic cuts on your skin, which open it to infection (from anything, really). This is why it is recommended not to shave your legs before you go get a pedicure or go to the gym, for example! 

So, shaving may trigger outbreaks, and if you shave while you have an outbreak you hypothetically could cause the sores to spread to the parts of the skin that are freshly microscopically cut, but in general, you should be okay. Remember that you are safe and it will all be alright!

If you are worried, you could try trimming with scissors and even waxing, or try an electric razor. See what works for you! It may not be the most comfortable at first while you see what works or not and what your skin sensitivity level is, but it will all work out in the end. 

I hope this helps!!



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