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The Light at the End of the Tunnel is Not an Illusion... the Tunnel is.

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Hi Friends! ❤️

I hope you are all doing well. 

I wanted to reach out and share a recent experience I had with a very very special human I recently met.

After feeling so lonely, so rejected, and just honestly, just tired, I made an account on an H dating site, something I have never done before. For me, an essential quality in a partner is having someone who can connect with and understand me. I am a very sensitive person,  and I am very cautious, due to traumatic experiences. I joined the dating app hoping I'd meet a person, even just to talk to as a friend, about the H experience. Amazingly, I ended up meeting a really beautiful soul who amazes me with his love that radiates from his thoughts, words, and overall energy. 

After talking to him for a little less than a week, we decided to meet one another (yesterday!). He truly is a blessing. His kindness, compassion, and ability to calmly listen and support without judgement have all lifted my heart and spirits so high, I am just in awe with him. He has reminded me that I am good enough and I am deserving of being happy.  I know it is really soon, but I really really like him. He is such a beautiful human being. I feel safe with him. I know I can be myself with him. And, I think he sees me the way I need to see myself. I know we all can be hard on ourselves. The negative thoughts sneak in and make us see ourselves completely incorrectly. But, he makes me remember I am good and pure, and I want to make him feel the same. We all deserve someone who makes us feel accepted and beautiful just as we are ❤️

I want to be there for him always and I want this bond to blossom into a might oak. I have been worried about initiating things with my family (they are strict when it comes to me dating), but honestly, truth be told... fear is a liar.  This special human in my life reminds me I can do whatever I set my mind to, even when I am scared. The amazing thing is, he doesn't even need to verbalize this; his eyes and energy and presence is enough to make me feel a blanket of comfort and safety and hope that truly heals my heart... not just band-aids it, but heals it ❤️.  

Sometimes we may feel as though we walking through a dark tunnel. Perhaps many of us have been walking in this tunnel for months, years, or even decades. When hope pierces the darkness, we are able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. We may be saddened and fearful of the long distance that lay ahead until we reach that light, but... the most amazing thing, is that the light is not an illusion... the tunnel is. 

Hope is closer than you know. There is always hope for you, and you are deserving of this hope. You are living proof that hope and love are the strongest forces on this earth. 

Although I cannot see the future, and although I want our relationship to work out, even if it doesn't, I will of course be in his corner as his friend and be forever grateful for the impact this person has made on my perspective of life, of myself, and of the world. And of course, I'll forever have a love for him and his beautiful, beautiful soul that the world, and all those who meet him, are so blessed to have ❤️ 

To those who are in a tunnel:  Maybe you are struggling to get out of bed. Maybe you feel hopeless about finding your soulmate. Maybe you are afraid of the future. Maybe a loved one has passed. Maybe you were just diagnosed with H. 

No matter your tunnel, please know there is a light at the end of it. You will get there, and it's closer than you think. ☀️☀️☀️

You can and will find your special human, and they can and will find you! Stay hopeful, and remember to unconditionally love and accept yourself as you are.

If you need someone, reach out. You are worthy of help and support.

❤️  🌎 You are not alone. Today needs you. Tomorrow needs you. The world needs you 🌎❤️.

Embrace these truths and pass it on! 

Sending love and prayers to all ❤️ 




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You're a beautiful writer Gracie ❤️ 


Anyone reading this needs to accept the fact, if you haven't already, that you are all capable of love and happiness. Everyone's journey may be different, some mountains may be tougher to climb than others, but our goals of reaching the top are the same! Let's reach the top of that mountain together. ❤️



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Hi!!! It's called Positive Singles. Remember that you don't need to be on a dating app to find your soulmate, but if it's meant to be it's meant to be. I am so grateful that my human is patient and accepting, as I have been struggling with some emotional issues. I could not be more grateful and appreciative of him!!! He's such a blessing. 

I pray you and everyone finds their soulmate!!! ☀️ Stay strong and stay hopeful!! Don't settle for less than you deserve and always remember to love and accept yourself, whether you're single or not!! 


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