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First outbreak than second outbreak? Type 1

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I was just diagnosed 1 week ago and before that had my first outbreak. Everything cleared up, I started the antibiotics still just to be safe and the last two days I’ve noticed slight burning and found one blister but not like my initial outbreak?

is it possible to have another outbreak so soon? My dr told me with type 1 being from a cold sore on his mouth, means I probably would not have another outbreak in years if at all.

im confused, I’m taking the antibiotics and the vitamin that prevents cold sores.

What does this mean?!

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I hope you are well.

Since this is your first outbreak, it makes sense that the outbreak is just more aggressive to medication. Give it some time and observe it; if it starts going through the healing stages or fills with fluid, etc, it's most likely a sore from the original outbreak. 

Yes, HSV-1 typically results in less frequent outbreaks. I have GHSV-1 and I have only had my primary outbreak and then two tiny outbreaks since then, and it's been about three years. 

Stay strong! ❤️ 


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