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Will I get herpes?

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my boyfriend recently broke up with my to fuck a co worker of his. He lied to me about having sex with other people and found out she has herpes. It’s been 17 days since we had sex and I have no symptoms, however I am a little scared I may still get herpes. I am wondering if anyone knows how likely the transmission is in this situation. He has no symptoms yet either. 



I am so sorry that you have been treated with such disrespect by this person. You deserve WAY better! 

Please remember that the way someone treats you is a reflection of them, not of you. You did not deserve this and his actions show who he is. 

You are deserving and worthy of respect, kindness, loyalty, and honesty. You will find someone who gives you these things and more! ☀️

In terms of having contracted HSV, it is possible, however he would have to have contracted it sometime before the 17 days when you were last with him intimately.  Is he going to or has he gotten tested for HSV recently? Also, what strain of HSV does the girl have? If you are still on speaking terms with him, you could ask, but otherwise it's alright. You can monitor yourself for symptoms, and if you are worried you can get an IgG blood test in 12+ weeks. If you know the strain the girl has, it makes the test more helpful since you can see if you test positive for that specific strain. Remember, if you get cold sores or have oral HSV-1 (2/3 of the world has it!) your blood results could come back positive for HSV-1.  

In general, it is more likely for transmission to occur from male to female genitalia than from female to male genitalia, however there is still a risk of transmission. Also, it depends on if she has HSV-2 or HSV-1, and if she takes suppressive medication to help suppress viral shedding and/or outbreaks. If you can, ask your ex to keep you posted on if he has any more symptoms, and if sores or redness or a rash appears, head to the doctor ASAP to get the area swabbed to test for HSV DNA.

I hope this helps! 

Stay calm and be kind to yourself. Hold you head high and advocate for yourself. You deserve respect, and he owes you an apology for unfaithful and unkind behavior. 

Sending blessings, hope, and healing your way 🦋☀️🌳💛 !!

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I appreciate your kind words more than you know. Thank you for all the advise! Not on speaking terms but I will continue to monitor myself. 🙂 

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