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Questions regarding Ghsv1 i'm new

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Male (41) Hi there, i've just had an ob about 6 weeks ago. My first one. I've been swab tested and diagnosed with ghsv1. I have finished my antiviral meds 2pills 2xs a day for 7 days. I also was screened for other sti possiblities.

my symptoms were terrible pain urinating inSide penis (i'm a male) and one small cluster on foreskin near head of penis. And pain in glands in groin and bladder area.

my questions are these:

1. should i still have symptoms still? I've been done the medication for weeks. But still the hole inside my penis has some pain. No where near what i had previously. and the sores are gone but the skin is still dry around the area where they were. Am I contagious like i was when the sores were new?

2. This question isn't PG: my partner and I (she knows about the out break and as far as she knows she's not hsv positive) have an active sex life. Can i give her Hsv through ejaculate on her face and body? In her mouth or vagina?


3. How contagious am i right now with the sores gone?

thank you in advance i'm trying to deal with the shock of this and am searching for answers


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I am so sorry you have been struggling with the symptoms. Please know that you are not bad or unworthy of love. Please know you can still have a happy and fulfilling sex life with HSV-- it doesn't change who you are or your quality of life! 

GHSV-1 is typically the less intense of the two strains, and because the rates of it shedding/causing an outbreak are lower, it means the likelihood or transmitting it your partner are typically lower, too. 

To answer your questions:

1. Because this is your primary outbreak, yes, the symptoms can last a while, as your body is still getting used to the virus. Because the first outbreak is usually the most severe, it just takes longer to heal. If you had internal sores in your urethral cavity (you expressed pain inside when peeing) it also causes more pain. The skin may be dry where the sores once were, and may even look like scabs. This is normal and is part of the healing process. The skin where the sores once were also may appear lighter in color (this is normal is new skin growth). You could still be shedding the virus, especially if you still have burning and/or itching. It is best to avoid intimacy/physical contact for about three weeks, just to be extra sure and your symptoms are gone. Reengaging in intimacy too sooner can irritate the skin and actually trigger another outbreak or cause pain and irritation (which can trigger an outbreak).

2. You can 110% have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling sex life with HSV. It doesn't have the power to change the bond you and your partner have, or your attraction to each other! HSV is not blood-borne like AIDS or HIV, meaning it does not 'live' in blood, urine, semen, discharge, breast milk, etc. Instead, it is spread via skin-to-skin contact with the impacted area during viral shedding and/or an outbreak. So, think of it like this: body fluids act as a transportation mean for the virus. So, if you have the virus actively shedding on your penis, and then some of your semen runs over the virus, it could spread to your partner hypothetically, but the HSV virus itself does not live in the fluid. Think of it like a lazy river... The HSV virus can hitch a ride via semen or fluids but they don't live in it. So, if someone has HSV, and isn't having an outbreak/prodrome symptoms/virally shedding (and they do not shed asymptomatically), and their semen get on/in their partner, they aren't going to pass it to their partner. If the person has an outbreak/is virally shedding at the tip of their penis and they ejaculate in/on their partner, there is a possibility they could pass it to their partner, even if their penis skin doesn't make skin-to-skin contact with their partner's skin. If you need more information and clarification, feel free to ask! 

I hope this helps. Stay strong. You are still a wonderful human. Love is the strongest force on the planet, not HSV!

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Thank you so much for the kind and positive words. And for taking the time to reply. It's all a bit much for me to take in. I do have a few more questions now that you've offered. It's hard to get definitive answers and my Dr mis diagnosed me for an STD at first which was problematic as i was on antibiotics for a week prior to the first visible sore. 

1. Inside my urethra regarding the pain. Is that a symptom on it's own for ghsv1? Or as you mentioned, does it have to mean I had and ob inside?

2. Regarding waiting another three weeks for sexual activity... i'm assuming that pertains to masterbation as well?

3. Re my lingering symptoms: should i be on other drugs to make all of this unpleasantness go away faster? I've read about supplements and creams etc. are there any recommended here? More antivirals? 

thank you again for the kind words.



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Yes, it can be so overwhelming, especially when a Dr. misdiagnosed you! 

To answer your questions,

1) Typically, painful urination caused by a GHSV-1 is due to the inflammation of the urethra due to sores inside the cavity or around the opening of the cavity. Sometimes, if you have sores around the opening of the urethra, it can swell and cause the urethral cavity to become blocked, too. So, external sores near the tip of the urethra could cause urination issues, but the pain would probably be felt closer to the lower part of the internal urethral cavity (near the 'exit'). So, you probably wouldn't be feeling this pain in the entire shaft of the urethral cavity. If you are concerned, you can always contact a urologist! 

2) Masturbation can agitate the skin and cause sores to possibly reemerge, but you don't risk passing it to your partner. So, you could if you feel comfortable and your skin feels okay, but if you still have pain inside your urethra, I would advise not masturbating. 

3) There are many options to help with the symptoms, depending on what they are. To help with inflammation, you can take an anti-inflammatory drug like an NSAID (if you can, some people cannot if they have heart issues, liver/organ issues, or are advised not to by their doctor). Do you still have sores? If so, you could try Lysine cream/ointment or antiviral cream (you may need a prescription for it), it is called Zovirax (Acyclovir Cream). If you experience painful urination or skin pain, you can put ice water in a spray bottle and mist it over your inflamed area as you go to the bathroom to help reduce pain. 

I hope this helps! Stay strong and be kind to yourself.

Sending prayers of health your way! 

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Super helpful thank you. And i don't mean to ask too much but it's appreciated. It's funny the pain in my urinary track was painful (almost like i imagine a uti infection might be) but the one small cluster of sores (like small 3) on foreskin had no pain at all. My penis opening still appears a little red to me but i maybe imagining that. If this all sounds out of place perhaps i'll see a dr again.

More sores are gone as of now but there is slight traces of evidence. I imagine that means i'm in a shedding phase? 

Anyways, i've taken enough of your time but it's been appreciated and thank you for the support!



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You can ask as much as you need to! That's what the forum is for.

I think I understand your pain. Does it feel like an ache or a pinch when you try and hold in urine? Ever since I had my primary outbreak, I have a really hard time holding in urine, it feels like it hurts. I had internal sores; I don't know if I had them in my urethra but definitely in the vaginal cavity, but ever since then it is just hard for me to hold in urine (it doesn't leak out it just feels so painful to hold it in and to go to urinate sometimes, almost like a pinch feeling. 

It's normal that you are still experiencing some redness, because primary outbreak pain and irritation can linger for a little bit, especially if you had sores near the opening of the penis. Basically, your body has been trying to get used to the virus, and the fact that your groin glands were swollen indicate that your body was really working hard. Give your body some time 🙂 

The slight traces of evidence could be a sign that you are still shedding, depending on the evidence you observe! 

Feel free to ask questions anytime! 

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Update: urethra issue has resolved. I can still feel it - but pain is long gone thank god. The sores are healed but there is a slight tiny white outline marking where one of them was? Do you think that it is permanent? Or worse still - is this a sign of a new ob?

thank you again


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Hi!! Hooray I'm happy to hear that! The white marking is normal. That's most likely new skin, or potentially a scar, but most likely new skin. After your sore goes away, new fresh skin is present. It may be lighter in color compared to the rest of your skin, and it may feel thinner or more sensitive. It's perfectly normal! 

Blessings 🍀

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Amazing thank you. I am feeling like the contagious part maybe over? I'm so paranoid that even if i tuck my shirt in i have to wash my hands.

**(Aside from the potential of always being contagious)

been reading your replies in the rest of the forum you are so kind

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Yes, I think you are okay. Remember that even if you were still having an outbreak, HSV doesn't spread from sharing a bathroom or shower or doing laundry. You are safe! Washing your hands also washes the virus away, so take comfort in that.

Feel free to reach out any time. Stay well and be kind to yourself! 

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Okay my next questions are regarding suppressive therapy with anti virals/valacyclovir/etc. 

I think i was about to have another OB about 1 day after the initial OB seemed to have gone away (1 day after my last post)... and I quickly started taking 1g of vatrex twice daily and the symptoms went away over night. So stressful! It could have been in my head? I don't know. 

However the sight of the initial ob seems to have a new small bump that looks healed. I'm still taking that dosage. It's been five days.


1. Is it normal to have minor itches and pains in my penis sporadically? Is this healing or potentially the ob happening again? It's not at the foreskin ob sight. More inside the urethra.

2. If i'm all healed up, can taking suppressive therapy work immediately to help reduce transmission? If not how long does it to be effective with GHSV1? (So little info out there on this topic for Ghsv1.)

3. Any general info anyone can share regarding GHSV 1 and suppressive therapy? 

Thank you. 

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Great questions.

1) Yes, that's normal. You did just have your first outbreak, and it can take time to heal. After my first outbreak I felt a little sore and just "off". Even after sores go away, the skin may be sensitive. It could be prodrome symptoms, but you can just monitor the symptoms and see if they worsen or result in an outbreak. 

2) Suppressive medication can be taken daily to help reduce the likelihood of viral shedding, which is what causes HSV to spread to another. Regardless of whether you take daily suppressive medication, you should abstain from intimacy if you have an outbreak or prodrome symptoms. Daily suppressive medication does not work the same for every person, and it doesn't work 100% to keep viral shedding at bay. However, it does help reduce the risk of shedding which reduces the risk of passing HSV to a partner. 

3) GHSV-1 has a very low rate of transmission in general (yay!) and is less likely to cause you recurrent outbreaks. Some facts about GHSV-1 can be found on the pre-disclosure sheet and the new diagnosed sheet that were sent to your email when you signed up for the site!! 🙂 

Rest assured, you will be okay. You are not defined by this, and it is a common virus. Stay kind to yourself and be well!! 


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Okay thank you so so much. Yes my prodrome symptoms (if that's what they were) were last felt on sunday. So they are gone now. I've been on the Valtrex ever since. Aside from the feelings inside my penis that have been semi consistent since my first outbreak. They are minimal now in comparison however and I imagine my shedding period has passed?

Another question: is it suggested that suppressive therapy is not a great idea for ghsv1? It seems every thing i've been reading here says's it's not necessary?

will read through the materials again to see if i can find more info. I spend the last few hours scanning your posts on the issue of ghsv1. Thank you for your efforts in all subjects here.

love and light to you! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

UPDATE: so after my bout of prodrome symptoms a few weeks back, i took Valtrex at 1g two times a day for a week. I decided to stay on the Valtrex as my partner and I want to engage in sexual activities (which we have not yet). About two weeks later another prodrome symptom overload woke me up from my sleep. I immediately got out of bed and took an additional dose of Valtrex and continued to take 2gms twice a day for 7 days. Which also kept the OB from happening. I think masterbation (with lubricant) triggered the prodrome symptoms 

Questions: 1. Will this ever stop? It's very frustrating. I was under the assumption that ghsv1 didn't often have these mind of issues?

2. How long after (in general) the prodrome symptoms go away and there is no outbreak am I potentially contagious? I'm still taking 1g or valtrex twice daily.

Thank you again for answering 


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Please know that there is hope and this is not going to be this way forever! ☀️🌈

Since you're still pretty new to having H, it's normal for the body to still take some time to get used to it. You might get outbreaks and or prodrome more at first but as time goes on they may decrease in number and severity (especially for GHSV-1, which usually is not as frequent or severe in general).

The prodrome symptoms are most likely staying at prodrome and not causing an outbreak because you're taking medicine. So you are taking it every day, correct? Have you stopped taking it at all or missed any doses prior to this sudden prodrome occurrence? 

Have you been doing anything that may be placing stress on the lower back, or have you gotten a cold or flue recently? Sometimes physical irritation of the lower spinal nerves or even getting a cold or flu can trigger prodrome and/or outbreaks. Friction also can trigger outbreaks, such as masturbation. Tight clothing also can be a trigger. 

There is also something that can happen after you get herpes called post herpetic neuralgia. Basically, your nerve bundle at the base of your spine is inflamed and may cause the firing of neurons which cause pain or tingling. For many folks who have this/have had it, it should go away as time passes. You could ask your doctor about it and see if your situation fits the diagnosis criteria, etc. Are your prodrome symptoms mainly tingling? If so, that sounds neurological, and could be the post herpetic neuralgia.

Also, do you have any other prodrome symptoms and if so what are they?

If your prodrome symptoms get worse or increase in duration or frequency, get checked out by the doc just to make sure you're okay. 

To answer your second question, typically about 7 days is the safest bet. Prodrome symptoms indicate viral shedding, so it's always safest to wait 7 days from the first day that they are fully gone (so technically 8 days fully symptom-free). Even with medication, taking precautions and waiting the full 7 days always is best! 

I hope this helps. 

Stay well! ☀️





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  • 5 months later...
On 3/15/2022 at 3:18 AM, Flowerteacher55 said:


I am so sorry you have been struggling with the symptoms. Please know that you are not bad or unworthy of love. Please know you can still have a happy and fulfilling sex life with HSV-- it doesn't change who you are or your quality of life! 

GHSV-1 is typically the less intense of the two strains, and because the rates of it shedding/causing an outbreak are lower, it means the likelihood or transmitting it your partner are typically lower, too. 

To answer your questions:

1. Because this is your primary outbreak, yes, the symptoms can last a while, as your body is still getting used to the virus. Because the first outbreak is usually the most severe, it just takes longer to heal. If you had internal sores in your urethral cavity (you expressed pain inside when peeing) it also causes more pain. The skin may be dry where the sores once were, and may even look like scabs. This is normal and is part of the healing process. The skin where the sores once were also may appear lighter in color (this is normal is new skin growth). You could still be shedding the virus, especially if you still have burning and/or itching. It is best to avoid intimacy/physical contact for about three weeks, just to be extra sure and your symptoms are gone. Reengaging in intimacy too sooner can irritate the skin and actually trigger another outbreak or cause pain and irritation (which can trigger an outbreak).

2. You can 110% have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling sex life with HSV. It doesn't have the power to change the bond you and your partner have, or your attraction to each other! HSV is not blood-borne like AIDS or HIV, meaning it does not 'live' in blood, urine, semen, discharge, breast milk, etc. Instead, it is spread via skin-to-skin contact with the impacted area during viral shedding and/or an outbreak. So, think of it like this: body fluids act as a transportation mean for the virus. So, if you have the virus actively shedding on your penis, and then some of your semen runs over the virus, it could spread to your partner hypothetically, but the HSV virus itself does not live in the fluid. Think of it like a lazy river... The HSV virus can hitch a ride via semen or fluids but they don't live in it. So, if someone has HSV, and isn't having an outbreak/prodrome symptoms/virally shedding (and they do not shed asymptomatically), and their semen get on/in their partner, they aren't going to pass it to their partner. If the person has an outbreak/is virally shedding at the tip of their penis and they ejaculate in/on their partner, there is a possibility they could pass it to their partner, even if their penis skin doesn't make skin-to-skin contact with their partner's skin. If you need more information and clarification, feel free to ask! 

I hope this helps. Stay strong. You are still a wonderful human. Love is the strongest force on the planet, not HSV!


I have a question concerning the transmission of HSV1.

You are saying to avoid intimacy/physical contact with your partner.

What does this mean?

If I am playing with my kid (5 year old boy) in the pool, holding him and my body touches his body, kissing him on forehead, holding his heand and he kisses ne on the cheek.. the virus mau be transmitted to him ???

Please I need an answer cos I am worrying about this.



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Sorry to add as you may have HSV 1 orally as you mentioning kissing on the cheek - I would avoid doing this if you have a sore, oral HSV 1 sheds around 9-13% of the time (roughly) so just keep that in mind, I would not worry about it too much though honestly. Just avoid avoid avoid contact if you have a sore. 

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@Adeladham Hello!

As @CuriousBlue said, you are perfectly safe. If you only have HSV on the genital area, you cannot pass it via kissing. If you have oral HSV, just avoid kissing your child if you feel an outbreak coming on (tingling, you are ill, etc) or have an outbreak. You are safe to be in a pool with your child, since genital HSV is passed via skin-to skin contact, and HSV likes dry skin. You are covered by a bathing suit and you are in water, so that's great! 

I hope this helps 🙂 You are NOT a danger to your child. Stay kind to yourself!



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