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my lymph nodes are still swollen ..?

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recently was diagnosed about a month ago, it’s been HELL. i’ve finished my antivirals and feel a lot better, requested a second dose of antivirals because i was nervous and have been completely stressed out about the whole situation. i’m feeling healed up, except for some pink scarring in my groin area that i guess is new skin, and i noticed my lymph nodes in my groin are still a little bit swollen as well. that was something i noticed before i was diagnosed it felt like i had 2 big knots there. anyone else experience this ? and does anyone have any tips on how to help the skin heal faster ? can i go get waxed again ? or should i wait ..? 

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I am so sorry that you've been under such stress. Please know you are not alone and your body will heal ❤️ it just takes time. The skin is such a strong and important organ, but an out reak, especially a primary outbreak, really is traumatic for the skin. Luckily, skin cells work hard to heal. Sometimes, new skin looks lighter in color than the skin around it, and this is normal. The swollen lymph nodes are a common symptom before and during the outbreak, but the swelling should decrease after the sores go away. The only reason I could think that your glands are still swollen is because your body is making antibodies. Lymph nodes swell when they produce these. You can always call your doctor and check ❤️! Your health matters 🌻!

Sending prayers of health and healing your way! ☀️



so if all my sores are gone, and the outbreak symptoms are over, is it okay to engage in sexual activity again ? when should swelling go down ? am i still highly contagious while making antibodies ? 

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Typically, the best is to wait 7 days from the first day all sores are healed and gone and you are not experiencing symptoms. What day were your sores completely gone and you were fully symptom-free (no itching, tingling, etc)?

The swollen lymph nodes are technically a symptom, but they are swollen because they are fighting inflammation, infection, and building up antibodies. I am not sure if they are a sign that you are still possibly shedding the virus. You could call and ask your doctor or the nurse on call, or call a Planned Parenthood or reproductive health clinic and speak to a nurse or doctor. 

I hope this is helpful! 🌻 I'm sorry I don't have a more precise answer. 




Oh that is great! Typically, you should be fine then, but the swollen glands add in another part of the equation, especially if they have been swollen after three weeks of being healed. I'd definitely ask a doctor if that is a sign of still virally shedding or it if is a normal part of the healing process and not indicative of viral shedding. 


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