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Herpes on the face.

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My hsv-2 has gotten increasingly worse over time. It has spread to my face and shoulder’s and has left scaring on my face. I wait tables and have to constantly take long periods of time off because of breakouts. I take acyclovir twice a day and increase the dosage to dangerous levels during my breakouts and it is destroying my life. I’ve tried 40 plus different vitamins, I quit drinking, I exercise and eat extremely healthy, keep good hygiene. The doctors seem to have zero input or suggestions or even interest in doing further research. 

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I am so sorry that you've been experiencing this emotional and physical pain. Please know that there is hope, and we are here to support you 💛 You are not alone! 

It sounds like you may need to go to a virologist or dermatologist. I'm so sorry your doctors have been ignorant and dismissive. You do not deserve that!! 

Advocate for a referral to a virologist. You deserve to get treatment! 💛

I am praying for you! 🌈




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It sounds like you may need IV antivirals to help your body get back to a state of non inflammatory response. It is obvious the oral antiviral medicines are not working for you, and it isn't good to take dangerous levels of them! Recommend the need for IV/injection of Acyclovir  to the virologist and dermatologist when you go to see them 💛 

Hang in there! You can do this! 

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Thank you. I never heard of a virologist. I am seeing urgent care in the morning. I missed out on going on a date with this girl I’ve met on positivesingles. We have been talking for almost two years and I missed my chance because of these things on my face. I didn’t tell her why and it seems she is moving on. Now that has me even more stressed out and I’m not sleeping which caused this current nightmare of a breakout on my face that is definitely going to leave a scar. It just makes me feel like a monster. I do have appoint with urgent care on the morning. I will ask about intravenous acyclovir. Thank you so much for listening to me. I’m glad I found this. 

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Please please know that you are NOT a monster. You are a beautiful human being experiencing an uncommon outbreak of a very common virus. You aren't bad or dirty or unlovable. You are good. You are pure. You are worthy of love and respect. 

Say this to yourself (even if you may not believe it yet): "Even though I am experiencing facial outbreaks, I choose to complete and unconditionally love and accept myself". Your thoughts and words impact your subconscious and conscious SO much, and while we can't control so much in life, we CAN control our words and thoughts 💛

I'm sorry you didn't get to meet with that girl. I'm sure if you explained it to her she would understand. If it's meant to be you'll meet with her one day 💛

Advocate for yourself tomorrow at the appointment and don't let them dismiss you. Your health matters! You matter! ☀️🌈 Let us know how it goes.

Also, something that may help with healing is Epsom salts. You could dissolve them in warm water and soak a washcloth with it, and lay it on the impacted area. 

I am praying for you! ☀️🌻



  • 2 weeks later...

You are not alone mate.

Here is my question, Can I spread the virus to other areas to myself after the first outbreak?

I thought after the first outbreak the body has antibodies and you cannot get the same infection somewhere else.

Thank you and all the best.

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Hello @xiscocaioss!

Great question. 

Hypothetically, yes, you could, but you would really have to try. As a social worker once explained it to me... "You'd have to like, rub your hand all over down there [on your sores] and then lick your hand."

And obviously, we wouldn't do that anyway! 

Obviously, if you have an open sore or an outbreak, wash your hands with soap and water after touching them. Good hygiene always lowers possible risks of transmission! 

You are more likely to pass it to yourself within the first 12 weeks of your first outbreak (as on average it takes 12+ weeks for your body to produce sufficient antibodies). 

Furthermore, those with autoimmune illnesses or those who take immunosupresent medications are more likely to pass it to themselves post the antibody buildup mark.

I hope this helps! 🙂 



19 hours ago, Flowerteacher55 said:

Hello @xiscocaioss!

Great question. 

Hypothetically, yes, you could, but you would really have to try. As a social worker once explained it to me... "You'd have to like, rub your hand all over down there [on your sores] and then lick your hand."

And obviously, we wouldn't do that anyway! 

Obviously, if you have an open sore or an outbreak, wash your hands with soap and water after touching them. Good hygiene always lowers possible risks of transmission! 

You are more likely to pass it to yourself within the first 12 weeks of your first outbreak (as on average it takes 12+ weeks for your body to produce sufficient antibodies). 

Furthermore, those with autoimmune illnesses or those who take immunosupresent medications are more likely to pass it to themselves post the antibody buildup mark.

I hope this helps! 🙂 




Thank you so much for your answer. I thought we couldn't. I know that for example sometimes it is ichy so I scratch someplaces, but I can't really see a sore, and I might scratch somewhere else. So now I read we can, I am nervous about it but I will be extracareful.

Thanks again for all your help! I am amazed about how much knowledge you do have.

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