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Unusual Outbreak after 15 year

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I've had HV for 15 years my husband of 30 years gave it to me. He passed away I want a new start but I'm having an unusual outbreak. I have always had small outbreaks that lasted about 7 days but I'm having multiple outbreaks at the same time in different places. I started taking valacyclovir 9 days ago 500ml a day but it doesn't seem to be helping. I'm very confused. I have been very stressed out!!

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I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I am praying for you.

Your outbreak could be due to stress, especially if you husband passed away recently. It could also be due to hormones or illness. 

Did anything specific happen right before the outbreak? 

It may be possible you need to try another antiviral, such as Acyclovir or Famcyclovir. Sometimes the body gets used to an antiviral, and changing it up helps. You could talk to your doctor about your new symptoms and issue with Valacyclovir, and ask about receiving a new prescription for another antiviral type. 

Are the places where you are getting the outbreaks new? Or have you had outbreaks in these locations, just not at the same time?

Stay strong! You can do this. We are here for you!! 

Sending blessings and prayers of happiness and health your way ☀️🌼🦋!!!



I appreciate your response!! I had my fourth Moderna vaccine right after I started having symptoms. I don't know if it was coincidence or if it triggered outbreak?? I did read that some people having  outbreaks after vaccine. It's been 9 months since husband died and I'm under some stress. I just started taking valacyclovir for the first time nine days ago. This is the first outbreak that I've had with multiple locations. I did have some major panic attacks after the first one started and then seemed like domino effect. I have not experienced this type of outbreak so it just confused and concerned me. If nothing else it pushed me to deal with my HV and I know I'm not alone. Thank you for your help!!!



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Hello @Starting over!!

I am SO sorry for the delayed response. 

I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. It is definitely possible that stress can trigger outbreaks, since HSV is linked to the nervous system. Also, any type of stress on the body (such as the introduction of an infection or virus) can trigger outbreaks as well. 

Have the antivirals helped at all? 

Sending blessings of happiness and health your way 🦋🌻☀️ !!!


  • 4 months later...
On 6/28/2022 at 7:41 AM, Starting over said:

I appreciate your response!! I had my fourth Moderna vaccine right after I started having symptoms. I don't know if it was coincidence or if it triggered outbreak?? I did read that some people having  outbreaks after vaccine. It's been 9 months since husband died and I'm under some stress. I just started taking valacyclovir for the first time nine days ago. This is the first outbreak that I've had with multiple locations. I did have some major panic attacks after the first one started and then seemed like domino effect. I have not experienced this type of outbreak so it just confused and concerned me. If nothing else it pushed me to deal with my HV and I know I'm not alone. Thank you for your help!!!



I took the 4th Moderna Booster on October 15th and my HSV symptoms are back after like 4 years. My mom passed away in August so we have similar stressor. Reading about your experience I the Booster has had an effect on the immune system and or triggered the virus.


Hi! As someone who works in biologics….this is entirely possible, and makes complete sense to me that the vaccine would trigger an OB. Here’s an article where a study was done that shows patients with previous chicken pox history, received the vaccine, and then had a shingles outbreak. 


Since HSV is in the same family, I would say it’s safe to conclude that it’s most likely the cause. Doesn’t help that either of you are experiencing stress and trauma from the loss of loved ones (sending my deepest sympathy to both of you). Basically our naturally built defenses against HSV (antibodies) are being temporarily diminished during vaccine administration because our body is triggered to use all its resources to develop antibodies for covid. So it gives HSV a little more free rein to be pesky and annoying. Once your bodies “settle in”, your OBs should start to back off. 

The vaccine didn’t trigger OBs for me, but it triggered horrendous menstrual cycles even though I have an IUD. As my body has built its immunity, and with every covid booster I get (2x so far), my cycles are back to basically nothing, because my hormones aren’t running haywire in an inflammatory response. It just takes time for our bodies to regulate! I hope I was able to shed some insight, but I am also not a doctor, so I encourage you to reach out to yours if you’re still having issues!



A family friend of mine had a similar problem, where they would break out all over out of nowhere. They had some unresolved issues in their past that once they went to therapy about it cleared up.

On 11/18/2022 at 11:44 AM, Seeker1960 said:

I took the 4th Moderna Booster on October 15th and my HSV symptoms are back after like 4 years. My mom passed away in August so we have similar stressor. Reading about your experience I the Booster has had an effect on the immune system and or triggered the virus.

@Seeker1960 I had similar experience but after contracting covid. I had my nerve pain under control and then I got covid and after few days of infection I started to have extreme nerve pain which I usually have thanks to HSV. Coronavirus and HSV are both neurotropic viruses and can really mess our cns. Worsening of nerve pain lasted for almost a year and a half and then subsided to baseline and I hope you will have quicker resolution of nerve pain. 


When I first got HSV 6 years ago. I had some weird symptoms. Started with an itch then burning in my perineum and genitals, then I felt like my entire nervous system was vibrating or like I was plugged into some electrical outlet. Then I got the burn butt and back pain. Then I got gastroparesis like symptoms. I could really eat solid foods. I had to drink smoothies and shakes. I lost like 25lbs. I thought I was dying. I also developed orthstatic hypotension. So I thought I was developing an immune system disorder or MS or something. It was just the HSV reeking havoc on my CNS. It eventually calmed down after awhile even the nerve pain had subsided to the point I didn’t have many symptoms. Since getting the covid 4th booster the nueropathy has raised it's ugly head and been bothering me. Thankfully, it doesn't seem as bad right now and I am praying for it to go away. Thanks again.

4 hours ago, Seeker1960 said:

When I first got HSV 6 years ago. I had some weird symptoms. Started with an itch then burning in my perineum and genitals, then I felt like my entire nervous system was vibrating or like I was plugged into some electrical outlet. Then I got the burn butt and back pain. Then I got gastroparesis like symptoms. I could really eat solid foods. I had to drink smoothies and shakes. I lost like 25lbs. I thought I was dying. I also developed orthstatic hypotension. So I thought I was developing an immune system disorder or MS or something. It was just the HSV reeking havoc on my CNS. It eventually calmed down after awhile even the nerve pain had subsided to the point I didn’t have many symptoms. Since getting the covid 4th booster the nueropathy has raised it's ugly head and been bothering me. Thankfully, it doesn't seem as bad right now and I am praying for it to go away. Thanks again.

I am so sorry @Seeker1960. Altough medical community likes to say that hsv is just skin condition, this is simply not true. Hsv is nerve condition as I like to say. It infects nerves, it uses neural pathways to replicate etc. 

Your nerve pain will subside for sure after some time. Did you ever use anticonsulvants or antidepressants to treat nerve pain? I was considering that option but I was a little bit reluctant since I have highly demanding job so I was afraid how would those type of meds affect my abillity to work. 


@Bloomer I agree with you 100% the medical establishment is very wrong about HSV. Probably why the pharmaceutical companies haven't really gone all out to find a cure or therapeutic. I believe the newer generation of researchers understand that HSV does affect the CNS in more ways and are looking at how to best attack the virus. The whole gene editing thing looks promising but questions remain about liver and organ damage.

Until recently I have been managing pretty good. Now since that damn covid booster I having to address the pain and dysautonomic issues I experienced before. I have also been having sleep disturbances. My mom died in August and the additional stress was taking a toll on me. I had to use xanax to calm my nervous system down and get some rest. I am trying not use it and use it only as a last resort occasionally. I too am in a profession that I can't use that type of medication and do my job. My nerve pain thankfully is not constant but it kind of fires up and then when I am at home it calms down a lot. Although sometimes I do feel other symptoms just not the painful ones.

I am hoping that my body will rally back and get things under control again. I am a little worried because it seemed like a long time the first time to get it under control. Hoping it's a shorter time this time around 🙏 

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