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Does anyone get herpes outbreaks more during their period?

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This is TOTALLY normal and actually very common!! 

Many things trigger herpes outbreaks, such as stress, friction, illness, and hormones! When menstruating, your body is releasing different hormones that can trigger outbreaks. Plus, during your period you may feel emotional stress or physical stress (cramps, bloating, nausea, etc) and all that combined can definitely trigger an outbreak. 

Something that may help is tracking your period so you know when your outbreaks will be so you can prepare for them, and also you'll be able to see at what point in your 28-day cycle the outbreaks occur. 

Definitely try to reduce emotional stress before and during your period. To help reduce the duration of the outbreak, you can try lysine cream. To help with neurological pain symptoms, try heat packs, or ice packs. I'd also avoid foods that are high in salt or sugar (although that's what we crave during our periods!) since they can lead to mood swings, tummy issues, and bloating. Stay hydrated as well. I don't know if this would help you, but maybe going on birth control to regulate your hormones would help. Perhaps asking your gynecologist about this would be helpful! I am on birth control to regulate my PMDD/extreme emotional issues right before my period. It isn't completely better but definitely better than it was! 

I hope this helps! 

Sending blessings your way!! 💐☀️


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/1/2022 at 4:13 PM, GeorgiaSimp said:

I very rarely get outbreaks unless I stop taking my acyclovir or quite often if im on my period. Is it normal to be more prone to an outbreak while on your period? If so then why and what can you do to try and prevent it? 

Hi @GeorgiaSimp

I have an outbreak in the days before almost every period. It's gotten more frequent recently (it used to be every other month) so I was coming on here to ask/read about supressant medication and saw your post. I constantly work on stress management and take lysine, and I'm tired of the frequency. I've had this for 13 years for reference.  For me it's definitely hormonal and has become a regular part of my PMS symptoms.

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