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It's ok to kiss before disclosing

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I have been tested twice for STD and both times the results came out positive for HSV 2. I have never had an outbreak so I am completely clueless of where in my body I contracted HSV 2. I know HSV 2 is mostly located in the genital area. My question is, since I am dating this lady I just met could I have HSV 2 in my mouth and transmit it to her by kissing her? At this time I have no disclosed my HSV 2 positive status to her.

On 9/8/2022 at 10:34 AM, Mary Jane said:

I don't think you should kiss b4 disclosure since it could be passed through saliva. 

This is actually not true. Herpes is passed via skin-to-skin contact. The only way it *might* be passed through bodily fluids is if you are having an active outbreak and the sore breaks open and the fluid within the sore mixes with bodily fluids, but in this case of course the open sore itself would be what would be most infectious and likely to transmit to a partner.


On 9/13/2022 at 2:45 PM, CuriousBlue said:


If I had HSV 2 UNLESS i knew it was 100% orally I wouldn't disclose before a kiss. 

HSV 2 orally is VERY VERY rare. Bigger concern would be intercourse. 

I agree. Only 1-2% of all oral herpes cases are HSV-2, meaning 98-99% of oral herpes is HSV-1 (aka “cold sores”). And most people are carriers of HSV-1 already, so most likely anyone you're kissing has it, too. This doesn't mean to not talk about it, but that you're in the minority if you don't have HSV-1.

Here's an article that might help: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/post/disclosing-cold-sores-oral-herpes-hsv-1-to-potential-partners-before-kissing

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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