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Constant Itching!! 😫

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I have HSV 1 and 2. I have been on Valcyclovir and taken Lysine and honestly, these didn't seem to help.  The only thing that seemed to help is drinking a lot of water and the passage of time.  I have never seen lesions, however when the symptoms come they are  constant. My bottom lip stays itchy. After YEARS of daily itching, the itching finally went away - until I got lip fillers to enhance the fullness of my lips. The itching came back and it will not stop! I welcome any advice or comforting words. 

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I'm sorry I don't know if I can be of any help.  But just wanted to let you know I read your post and I hope you find an answer and  some relief soon. Constant Itching is awful.   

I just thought,  what about Benadryl?   Can that be of any help.  I mean benadryl can help with other kinds of itching due to allergies.  Not sure if it can help with this kind of itching though.  There's benadryl topical gel but not sure if you can put that near the mouth.  I wish I knew the answer to it. 

I'm currently dealing with a  breakout down below and  I have itching too.  And we Can't scratch as that just makes it way worse.   Ugh. 



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Hi! Thank you for your response! Ya know,  Benedryl might actually help.  I'll google it! I'm sorry you're going through  this. I had some cream from Amazon called "Herp B Gone" and that did help.  I don't really use it though due to allergies. Let me know if you decide to get some!

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Hello @Mary Jane and @Birdsandbutterflies!

I hope your itching has gone away ❤️ There is a lip balm called Herpecin L that can be used for the lips. I am not sure if it helps with itching, but it might be worth a try! 🙂 Also, you could try Abreva lip products which are intended for oral herpes as well. 

Genitally, you can actually get acyclovir ointment to help heal up the sores (which should reduce the itching). Soaking in Epsom salts may help reduce inflammation and itching as well, or it may make it worse if it dries out the skin too much. 

I hope this helps! Stay strong! ❤️ 

Blessings! 🙂 



Hi @Mary Jane! I joined the forum so I could reply to this post. A low 5mg dose of  Lexapro worked wonders for me when it came to FINALLY stopping HSV1 coldsore symptoms.

I also take 1 gram of Valtrex, B super complex, zinc, and 3 tablets of Quantum Lysine ImmuneSupport daily. 


Stress/chronic anxiety is a BIG problem when it comes to recurrent symptoms and so many folks don’t realize just how important it is to get that element under control.

Know your triggers too. For me, dairy and alcohol need to be had VERY sparingly. Poultry and too much meat/protein in general (including protein bars) cause symptoms for me.


I use the free app Foodility to track my food, mood, and exercise routine to help pinpoint what could be triggering symptoms.


Two great topicals I’ve used are Quantum Lysine and the newer (but very expensive) Femiclear (it can be used on lips too).


Try incorporating meditation and yoga into your routine as well to center yourself. I hope this helps you! 💛  

Wishing you peace, healing, and sending a big hug your way. 

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