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So flipping sore and hate to pee

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Just venting.  I'm Feeling down and feel like shit.   

Haven't had a full on breakout in a couple of years.   I had some signs of one coming on a few months back but I think I may have  stopped it with taking lysine. Possibly it. 

I still get prodrome tingling regularly.  My first breakout was in 2018. have HSV2

But I  think due to stress of moving  into a new house a month ago and some emotional stuff lead to this breakout.  And  I haven't been taking the Lysine consistently either. 

The break out  started a couple of days ago.  I'm so pissed off.  And it's so  sore. I won't go to a physician and it takes days to get an appointment anyway and I'm not sure the antiviral does much anyway.  

The sores are in the perineum area. That's where they usually turn up.  Sometimes closer to the butt hole.  

But that perineum area,  Omg it is the worst place!    I try as I can to not get pee on the area. But somehow it happens and it burns like a MO FO.  And I know I've read about peeing in water but that's just not practical and possible a lot of the time. 

I also tend to pee frequently as I drink water but I have an overactive bladder so that doesn't help matters.  I rinse myself off after bathroom which is just more time and energy.  I have an autoimmune disorder too with chronic pain  and I just get tired. And then this on top of it.   It's just so hard. 

I do have some lemon balm ointment which I think helps  somewhat.  

What do you ladies do to stop pee getting on the area?   Do you use any kind of barrier like Vaseline or something?   I've not used it.  Is Vaseline OK to put on the sores.  

Anyway thanks for reading and for any tips, ideas. 







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I am so sorry for the late reply. 

I am so sorry you are struggling. Please know you are not alone and there is hope. Things will get better, and you are so strong! ❤️ 

Urine's acidity really burns the sores. Lysine balm is really great to help protect the sores from the urine. I used a lemon lysine balm that I think was actually for oral sores but it worked well for me. I just wouldn't put the balm inside the vagina or too close to the "holes" as it may burn (and it's not for internal use anyways!).

Having an ice cold bottle of water in a spray bottle to mist on the area after or during urinating can help reduce the burning and soothe the area. Sometimes changing your peeing position helps, too. Squatting instead of sitting can help aim the stream so it goes straight down instead of running off the nearby skin.

Stay strong and hopeful. You will make it through this! ❤️ 

Sending blessings and prayers of healing and joy your way! 🙂 



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As a topical, Femiclear is expensive but good. 

5mg of Lexapro helped me personally when it came to eliminating symptoms (anxiety triggers HSV1  issues for me). I also take 1 gram of Valtrex, B super complex, zinc, and 3 tablets of Quantum Lysine ImmuneSupport daily. 


Know your triggers too. For me, dairy and alcohol need to be had VERY sparingly. I use the free app Foodility to track my food, mood, and exercise routine to help pinpoint what could be triggering symptoms.

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On 9/18/2022 at 8:10 PM, Flowerteacher55 said:


I am so sorry for the late reply. 

I am so sorry you are struggling. Please know you are not alone and there is hope. Things will get better, and you are so strong! ❤️ 

Urine's acidity really burns the sores. Lysine balm is really great to help protect the sores from the urine. I used a lemon lysine balm that I think was actually for oral sores but it worked well for me. I just wouldn't put the balm inside the vagina or too close to the "holes" as it may burn (and it's not for internal use anyways!).

Having an ice cold bottle of water in a spray bottle to mist on the area after or during urinating can help reduce the burning and soothe the area. Sometimes changing your peeing position helps, too. Squatting instead of sitting can help aim the stream so it goes straight down instead of running off the nearby skin.

Stay strong and hopeful. You will make it through this! ❤️ 

Sending blessings and prayers of healing and joy your way! 🙂 



Aw I didn't see your comment until now on the 28th.

Thank you so much for your kindness.  I often see your responses and  comments  in this group and you're always so kind and give comforting words.  Your answers to other  posts I find comforting for myself  and it means something  that you care and offer hope to people.   You are special and appreciated  that's for sure.   

I appreciate your suggestions to my post. 

Luckily I'm on the mend now.    It took 13 days before the sores finally closed up.   I bought some Herp B gone and  that's what helped the most,  I'm pretty sure of it.  

I did try another typical prior to that and I thought at first it was helping but you know how  it goes when you think it's going  away but then it's not. Ugh. 

I am not sure where to get a topical that has Lysine in it.  Prior to the Herp B Gone  I did crush up some L Lysine tablet and mixed it in the lemon balm stuff I had but I don't think that did much and seemed to irritate it.   

All these topicals out there  have different formulas of herbs and things in them and I think  it's trial and error testing them out.   What may work for one person may not for another. 

This time  I spent over $50 on two different topical ointments on Amazon.   Trying to find something to help.   

The spraying of cold water is Helpful to dilute the acid in urine.  So I will do that for the future. 

Thank you again and I wish you well.  



On 9/22/2022 at 2:44 PM, HelloFriends said:



As a topical, Femiclear is expensive but good. 

5mg of Lexapro helped me personally when it came to eliminating symptoms (anxiety triggers HSV1  issues for me). I also take 1 gram of Valtrex, B super complex, zinc, and 3 tablets of Quantum Lysine ImmuneSupport daily. 


Know your triggers too. For me, dairy and alcohol need to be had VERY sparingly. I use the free app Foodility to track my food, mood, and exercise routine to help pinpoint what could be triggering symptoms.

Thank you so much for your reply.   I didn't see it until today but it's appreciated. 

I am on the mend now though it took almost two weeks for the sores to close up. 

I am trying to avoid prescription stuff if I can,  though I have been on prescribed anti viral  with previous breakouts. but I honestly don't think it sped things up or did much anyway.  It's difficult to get into see a doctor too  and I don't have a gyno doc right now ether. My last gyno was not helpful. 

I do have an anxiety disorder and I  use to be on anti anxiety meds a few years back,   tried different Ssri's but I  do not take them anymore.  It's not something I want to resume. I do go to therapy and I try the natural approach to help with Anxiety.  And I started taking Ashwagandha.   

Yes to the B complex.  I have started taking it again and  being more consistent with the L Lysine.   I  haven't been taking care of myself and have been under stress. I definitely need to work on relaxing more.  I do have anxiety issues and have used meditation to try and help.  But haven't been doing that lately.  

Oh and I've been eating yogurt more too, nearly every day.  Non fat,  the  no sugar ones. So perhaps that contributed to the recent breakout  and it is not a good idea for me to have every day.   I will cut way back on it.    

Thank you again for responding and for your suggestions.  




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@Birdsandbutterflies Hello! 

I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. I also have anxiety and I have OCD and I take Zoloft (an SSRI) which helps me so I am calm enough to function so I can get through therapy and relaxation techniques. Something that I love is tapping! Check out Brad Yates on YouTube 🥰.

Sending blessings and prayers your way!! ❤️


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You currently  take Lexapro and Zoloft? Or at different times? They're both Ssri's.  

I use to take Lexapro years ago,  and I have been on other Ssri's at different times. Though they were quite helpful to some  degree I really didn't like the side effects.  I do have Ativan which I take only occasionally for the really bad days.  

I have done tapping here and there.  I find it difficult to stick with things long term.  So many things I've done but I don't stick with but then I may return to try again at another time.  I am inconsistent.   I'm not sure if I have adult  Adhd but it is a possibility.

I will look into  the tapping  again and I  will check out  Brad Yates. Thanks so much  for the reminder. 

Thank you for your kind responses. I do appreciate the communication and it helps me to  not feel so alone with things. 

Blessings to you too and I hope you are keeping well.  



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I just take Zoloft. I also take birth control to help regulate my emotions (I have PMDD). 

Tapping really is wonderful! ❤️ It has helped me immensely. 

Stay strong! I am praying for you ❤️ 

Blessings! 🙂 

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