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Stress and Anxiety Management is #1

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Hi all. I’m a mental health advocate and health counselor here to just share what has worked for me in the hopes it may work for you too. ❤️

A low 5mg dose of  Lexapro worked wonders for me when it came to FINALLY stopping HSV1 cold sore symptoms.

This could possibly be the case for anyone struggling with other forms of herpes as well, including HSV2 or recurrent shingles. I worked with many doctors to finally come to this conclusion, which wound up being my idea (go figure). Lol

(Side note: I also take 1 gram of Valtrex, B super complex, zinc, and 3 tablets of Quantum Lysine ImmuneSupport daily.)

Stress/chronic anxiety is a BIG problem when it comes to recurrent symptoms and so many folks don’t realize just how important it is to get that element under control.

Getting on medication for mental health is no small decision, and I’m a big believer in holistic care, but medication has its time and place, and I have to say it saved me in this situation.

There are other types of anxiety reducing (non habit forming) medications out there as well, so I encourage you to chat with your doctor to explore what may work for you. Experimentation may be necessary, but it’s so worth it.

It’s also important to know your stress and food triggers too.

For me, dairy and alcohol need to be used VERY sparingly, even on all these medications.

I use the free app Foodility to track my food, mood, and exercise routine to help pinpoint what could be triggering symptoms.

Two great topicals I’ve used are Quantum Lipclear and the newer (but very expensive) Femiclear (it can be used on lips too).

Try incorporating meditation and yoga into your routine as well to center yourself. Reduced stress and anxiety = reduced symptoms and issues.

I hope this helps! 

Wishing you peace, healing, and sending a big hug your way. 

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Side note: I also did a lot of digging into attachment styles, and realized that it’s SO important to stay away from avoidant people for me, who spark BIG anxiety flares, thus sending me into symptom land. Feeling safe and secure is the best medicine. ❤️

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