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Equivocal, then Negative, then Negative again.., What does this mean?

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Hi all,

I had sexual encounter this past May ( on the 27th). We had protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex. It was one time, then the guy ghosted me. I asked him why and he blocked me and changed his number, which kinda worried me because it felt like he knew he had done something wrong, but he did not want to tell me what. I tried to get my mind off it because I just wanted to move on...

Well one night in mid to late June, my lips started to feel dry, by the third day, it was more of a tingling, by the fifth day, it was more of a burning and I decided to go get tested for herpes. My doctor gave me some medicine to help with that because she was pretty sure I had contracted HSV 1. A week later, my test comes back equivocal (score of .92). So I'm distraught because her nurse told me that meant positive. To this day, I'm still not 100% sure what equivocal means, BUT my doctor asked me to come back a week later to retest. (KEEP IN MIND: The burning in my lips is still happening, about two-three weeks at this point). I go back to retest, it comes back negative (.81). The doctor tells me to drop it, and get over it, I don't have herpes. BUT MY LIPS ARE STILL BURNING, and my legs started to hurt so bad to the point where I couldn't walk, and my head was hurting whenever I stood up too fast.

At this point, I'm fed up with being dismissed, so I go to another doctor. The doctor tells me that she will retest me, but the symptoms I listed do not sound like herpes, especially considering the fact that (even to this day), I have never had a cold sore. She retests me again on July 12th, and it comes back negative AGAIN. She ran some bloodwork and she suggests I start taking iron supplements because I was pre-anemic.

(FOR CONTEXT: I was on nexplanon birth control. I was on my period for 57+ days by the time I went to this other doctor. She assumed the pain was due to the blood being lost.)  

I took the iron supplements, and I got better. Now, its 9/22, almost 4 months later, and I'm having the lip problem again, its just not as bad as the first time. Still no bumps, still no cold sores, nothing. What does this mean? Do you think I actually have herpes? What are the chances of me having herpes? What do I do?

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I am so sorry that you went through this. I am so happy you are feeling better. 

It is not right that the guy ghosted you like that. You deserve someone kind and respectful! Remember, the way someone treats you is a reflection of THEM. You are wonderful! ❤️ 

It sounds like you could've had two things going on at the same time; maybe oral herpes and issues from the 57+ day period. That combination really could do a number on your body! The equivocal reading on the test means that the test was unable to get a proper read on the antibody amount. It does not mean it is automatically positive. 

You could try getting another IgG or IgM test, or talk to your doctor about testing out and taking antivirals and see if it helps your lip feel better. You could also see a dermatologist about your lip, too! 

Also, do you notice certain things trigger the lip burning? Maybe a food allergy or a beauty product or stress, etc?

I am praying for you! ❤️ 



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